#UplandWealthBuilding Contest and Giveaway Winners Announced - $1,300 in ETH Rewarded!

By igort | Publish0x Contests | 21 May 2022

It took longer than usual to select the winners for a contest and write the post, but here we are! I hope it was worth the wait, as the rewards pool was increased from $1,200 to $1,300 in ETH!

Thank you all who took part in this event, you are all appreciated! Check out all of the entries into the contest from here, or just the posts that won rewards by scrolling below. Congratulations to all of the winners. :)


--> PS. Try Upland from HERE - You'll Get a 6,000 UPX starting bonus (doubled from normal bonus)<--


Here are the winners of #UplandWeatlthBuilding Contest and Giveaway:


PS. Show the tweet linked below some love by hearting, or retweeting it!


#UplandWealthBuilding Contest and Giveaway Winners Announced - $1,300 in ETH Rewarded!


PS. Check out the previous two contests and their winners to learn more about the basics of Upland - you can see the winners of #UplandPublish0x here, and the winners of #MyUplandCity from here; and of course, try Upland from here!


18 Top Posts that Won $50 Each ($900 in ETH Total)!



10 Good Posts that Won $20 Each ($200 in ETH Total)!



13 Lucky Winners and Special Rewards - $10 in ETH Rewards Each ($130 Total).



14 Winners of the Twitter Giveaway - $5 in ETH Rewards Each ($70 Total).


How Are the Winners Paid?

Rewards have already been distributed to all of the winning post authors, as well as to the winners of the Twitter giveaway! 

PS. If your rewards are missing, or if there is a misunderstanding about how it works, please let me know in the comments.

NOTE: We give out Rewards in $ETH to contest winners. ETH is currently not used as a tipping token on Publish0x.

At the time of distributing the rewards, the price of one ETH was ~$1,980.

Notice: Initially an incorrect amount of ETH rewards was added to posts due to a technical issue. This has since been resolved.


Thank YOU for taking a part in this event in any way, and congratulations to those who have won!

PPS. Try Upland from HERE - You'll Get a 6,000 UPX starting bonus (doubled from normal bonus)!




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igort Official Team Member

Publish0x COO. Interested in Cryptos and Blockchain, Travel, Basketball and Hiking.

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