Cancel Culture: The first 500 years

My Failed Attempts at Smashing Patriarchy and Other Oppressive Structures: A Writing Index

I'll readily admit that my attempts to smash the pernicious, pervasive and systemic oppression that is Patriarchy have been unsuccessful. However, that hasn't been for lack of trying. Here, then, is a list of posts I've writ on the topic (including Incels, MRA and MGTOW), should you care to read them. It's a considerably long list, since I've been writing for a while and a lot of it is political.

Artist's impression of a red pill burning a Feminist flagCopyright GQ Mag

Smash the Patriarchy Poster

I am by no means perfect and I still have a lot to learn and change. However, some folks aren't even aware of just how full of shit they are. The time they learned to change is long past due and they know it (but they couldn't be bothered while the system favours them). Let's change that. Smash the Patriarchy (and not just on Tuesdays)!

Post thumbnail copyright Matt Werker/Politico

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Great White Snark
Great White Snark

I'm currently seeking fixed employment as a S/W & Web developer (C# & ASP .NET MVC, PHP 8+, Python 3), hoping to stash the farmed fiat and go full Crypto, quit the 07:30-18:00 grind. Unsigned music producer; snarky; white; balding; smashes Patriarchy.

The Snark Returns: Random Musings from The GWS
The Snark Returns: Random Musings from The GWS

SW/Web developer: ~12 years of C# (yay!) & ASP .Net MVC, Java (blargh!), Python (woot!) experience. I'm currently hitting faucets and writing for crypto to stake/invest . | I work part-time with animals. Sadly, my cerebellum and medulla oblongata aren't Einsteinian in proportion. However, I possess a Brobdingnagian vocabulary and get by with being a barbigerous logophile. I can probably write you into bed, if smashing Capitalism and Patriarchy turns you on. Kink is political!

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