A Harpy, with Wings spread

There's a Flock of Pernicious Incels Circling A Certain Fetish Site

TO the beautiful satirists, educators of the clueless and defenders of women — who long ago left (and either never or briefly returned to) what I shall here call Fartloaf AKA Fratlife,

If you ever see this, please know that I miss reading your hot takes and lambasting idiots. That site is not the same (definitely diminished in its nuance, which it lacks in abundance) without what you bring to it; lesser talents such as myself cannot fill your Louboutin boots, never mind afford them (yet) nor your cupcakes nor latex tops.

Update, as of 2021/08/18: One of those women has returned to Fratlife and continues to write scathing and lambasting posts, after a year-long sabatical. The other has taken her writings and published them on Blogger, Wordpress and Medium blogs. Knowing this makes me very happy.

TW for those who need it: Misogyny, Racism, Incels, Swearing, Adult themes

For those who need to be brought up to speed, the below is my take on/response to a pile of horse manure dumped into/onto, then subsequently deleted from, that site (which comes to represent a frat house’s sewer in ever-increasing amounts by the month, if not the week or day). Ah, where's the arweave permaweb when you need it, eh?

If you don’t understand satire, please move on.

As of late, Fartloaf has been leaving a bad taste in my mouth. It’s turned into a Sisyphean battle to simply exist there as a non-male or non-white individual because when you do feel you want to mind your own business (never mind express yourself), you’ll first have to bolster your defences from the sea of malicious dudebro fuckbois with inferiority complexes that wait on the edge of Fratland, ready to attack you and just to tell you how terrible you’re doing at being their personal fetish dispenser. That’s your sole raison d’être there, right? Shut up, woman; of course it is!

What’s pretty entertaining is how these fuckheads have a mission to create a “safe space” for “everyone”, but then when you think you’re safe to express yourself, it must follow a strict set of guidelines that Incels have written in groups on Reddit and 4chan, and meticulously studied to use as a tool on their quest to rid the world of everything not in-line with toxic masculinity. Anyone who doesn’t conform is “fake” or a prostitute. Then, everything you write turns into whining/being an over-emotional harpy because they think you are too aggressive and unfuckable. (Their obsession with reducing people to their genitals/sex objects would arguably be the funniest thing about their ridiculous and specious logic if it weren’t so vile and immature.) It makes me wonder, what’s the goal here? How does one survive in life if one who’s so desperate to get laid goes out of one’s way to repel women? What’s the point? Most importantly, how can you find a partner in this dumpster fire when that’s clearly what you want?

The first question is pretty easy to answer. From what I’ve seen, Fratlife has mostly become an echo chamber for misogyny and racism. Yeah, what a shocker! The difference is that the undesirables are now much more confident/blatant about their pernicious vitriol because Our Dear Leader doesn’t give a bigot’s uncle about deplatforming them as long as there are enough photos of boobs to keep them poring in. Rather, he washes their mouths out and lets them carry on as usual. No surprises there. Baku, I am disappoint!

You find that out really fast when you start interacting with others on that site. It might start off slowly, but eventually you’ll find out that everything you say that goes against the great bro code book will be marked up with a dark red pen to show you how absolutely terrible it is for supporting Feminism and women’s rights on the Internet. Yeah, let’s not get into John Stuart Mill’s philosophy of Utilitarianism and doing “the most good” with Incels; they haven’t the attention span or mental capacity to take it in. They’re just there to be titillated by free pictures of tits and twats. That’s right, I wrote “titillated”. Go on, have a snigger. I’ll wait.

Something on there has to be stimulating enough to turn them into these MRA snowflakes. Women trying to have their own agency and be treated with respect instead of willingly disrobing at the sight of a stranger’s penis/filth in their inboxes is definitely it. But what really drives them is getting their dicks wet without investing effort. Their entire sense of self, of “manliness” is invested in the size of their “manhood”. When you’re an Incel on Fratlife, if you want to feel important, just keep telling women to shut up and kill themselves for being bitches. You’ll make so many MRA friends there, but you’ll be forever alone IRL. Well, until you do the work to be a decent human being who recognises women are human beings with more to them than a few “hot wet fuck holes” and suddenly you’re not welcome in Dave’s basement any more; you have to hand in your man card and be exiled from the “old boys’ club”.

Survival on the loaf consists of a few things. First, you need to start claiming your detractors are “virtue signalling beta cucks” and “social Marxists” (like a good little lobster-eater) as if virtue signalling is a bad thing to do (in of itself) or that any of the other alt-wrong hate group buzzwords are actual things. You’re not a twue Incel unless you’re showing all the other Incels how to be the perfect Incel. (This, in itself, is a form of virtue signalling. Incels are too stupid to detect irony. Let’s call what they’re doing “vice signalling” for the sake of argument.) Then you need only to agree with them, and come up with ways to say the same exact thing, but with a spin on it. Here are some popular topics:

  • Femoids are terrible, unless they kneel or drop their panties for any man who asks, because women’s only purpose is to dispense fetish and worship the almighty penis.
  • Your kink should be my kink, and that’s okay because I say so. Besides, I don’t really care what your kink is, as long as you’ll follow the fantasy script I give you. Any Femoid who objects is only in it for the money and is not okay; then it’s time to block and report a “fake” Domme/scammer.
  • Feemoids who want to have their boundaries respected and profiles read before being contacted are sucky power-tripping hypergamous sluts; they should go fuck themselves (because nobody else will)!
  • Feemoids who have a problem with creepy dudebros sliding into their DMs here are unfuckable bitches, not “top tier” partner material.
  • I am a twenty-something Alpha/Dominant/Master. (This much should be obvious because I have chosen this role for myself.) Therefore, all women are subs or slaves (regardless of how they choose to identify; women’s choices are meaningless) and should bow at my feet before sucking my cock, because I have a self-given title and, obviously, a cock.
  • I have a right to post dick pictures as my only content and as my profile picture. If I post it, women will cum. Anyone who has a problem with seeing unsolicited dick pics is being illiberal/intolerant of my rights and freedoms.
  • Ad infinitum, ad tedium …

Another way to “survive”, and what most cis-het men seem to adopt out in Fratlife, is to literally not interact in groups but love-bomb pictures and videos of women with whom they’ve had no prior interaction, leaving disgusting comments on them. Then they get hostile and defensive when told, “your tone-deaf lack of effort is not appreciated. Read the temperature of the room!” Men, the way to handle this is to throw in a thoroughly inarticulate/grammatically horrendous, “well, your a fat bitch!”, comment to really drive the point home. Women just love to see you demonstrate your mastery of emotions under fire. (You are a Master after all, right?) If you want to survive, it’s best to unload your hate on femoids who have standards and boundaries. The attention-whores and exhibitionists are most likely to tolerate your gross conduct, because, you know, they’ve got unresolved daddy issues and are just so desperate for any scraps they get, the poor things. Plus, it’s easier to avoid scrutiny and objections when you just don’t do your dirty deeds in public among people who have some savvy.

The easiest way to survive, though, is by diminishing and denying the experience of anyone who complains or calls you out. Launch a full-blown personal attack on the idiotic twats if you have to! Simply post a whiny or shaming writing about how terrible the wimminz are, how butt-hurt your poor little itty-bitty man feelings (that you deny having and have mastered keeping bottled up until they erupt) are and how Feminazis are ruining (yes, actually ruining) Western Culture™ for all the so-called men (manbabies) who’re tired of their “toxic misandry” and emasculating tactics. You’ll get friends, just you wait!

This is all very well, but the point is to get laid, not establish an Incel echo chamber. Reddit and 4chan are already those. So you’ve got to have some smooth moves; that magnificent dick pic you are so proud of and shove in everyone’s face (whether or not they ask) just isn’t going to be enough, for some unfathomable reason. It’s really terribly unfair that one who deserves all the taint he wants has to work so hard, but those are the breaks, dude.

Now, finding a partner is impossible for reasons that are evident to anyone who gives it even a little thought. You’ll need to read a few Red Pill blog posts and PUA books to guarantee this, just in case you haven’t somehow completely alienated anyone. (Hey, pick-me girls might still be interested in you and that’s just not acceptable. Girls? Eww! I hates them, hates them, Gollum!) By “a few”, I mean you’ll need to get a copy of every pile of misogynistic crap ever published by the likes of Roosh V and snake-oil salesmen of his ilk. Otherwise, you’re not actually considered safe to the Great White tribe of misogyny and racism. (Actually, that’s completely false; educating yourself in any way will greatly risk your chances of successfully maintaining your willful ignorance and you could seriously harm your baseless opinions by being informed. Stay away from the edumacashin at all costs!) Then, you’ll want to teach all your gumf to an impressionable newbie who’s impressed by your title but greatly ignorant of the kink community and it’s insistence that interaction be safe, sane and consensual, that using a safeword is not “weak and for wimps”. Don’t try to get an experienced kinkster because they’ll be wise to the fact that you’re bullshitting your way through. So, it’s in your best interests to just smile and nod when they entertain your insipid and uninspired “tell me about yourself” message despite that information being on the profile you didn’t bother to read. Don’t forget to interrupt with a wall of text (a bit like this one, but be sure it’s more banal) about all the kinky shit you want them to do to you without once considering what they want out of the deal. They’re just there to dispense your kinks, after all! Remember, it’s all about how they can make you feel important!

If you follow these guidelines, you’ll definitely be on the fast track to getting blocked left, right and centre (on any social media site, not just Fartlife). You’ll quickly realize that it’s really just pointless to be an Incel/racist online. However, you’ll provide a lot of entertainment to those who want to roast marshmallows over the dumpster fire that is your Fartloaf experience.

To the Nice Guys™ out there:

I understand it’s difficult to speak up there. And I appreciate the support I’m getting openly. But if there’s one thing I would really like you to understand about the the nasty comments you get, it is that they are just the opinions of femoids and pussy-whipped soy-boy beta cucks. They aren’t real people who matter, so you can safely ignore them. There’s really no need to let your fragility cause you so much upset that you need to reach out privately. Show how much of a big strong man you are, how totally unafraid of making an arse of yourself you are. Remember that a lot of us really are victims of the big mean wimminz, and we are scared of losing what we have, or scared we would look unsafe because we agreed or disagreed with something. All that is bullshit. The folks that talk as much as they do, and seem to sway the Fartlife opinon, are just like you. They don’t dictate how you will be treated by other people who use this site. How folks, who are a part of the community, think you should behave isn’t important, because you have the right to behave however you please, be intolerant and demean whomsoever you choose.

Don’t let them silence you. It’s 👌 to be a misogynist. It’s 👌 to suppress women and slap their tits with your dick! It’s 👌 to be White and Proud. It’s 👌 to be homophobic and transphobic. It’s definitely 👌 to be a White Supremacist there. And regardless of your color, gender, sexuality, religion, and whatever else defines you, it’s definitely okay to be a shaming, dismissive bastard. Own it! Fuck what the rest of these Leftist Morans think! They are just hurt, just like you. Good luck and I hope you enjoyed this dumpster fire.

The above was originally published on the site in question on 2020/10/21. The situation there has continued to deteriorate while Baku and the caretakers sit on the fence and refuse to take decisive action (other than punish those who take a stand against bigotry of any kind, be it antifeminism, homophobia, racism, sexism or transphobia). Consequentially, I am in the process of migrating my writings off site before closing my account.

I am also on Patreon. If you would like to reward me for my efforts with fiat, please head there and subscribe for as little as $7 USD a month. Otherwise, please find the post with my wallet addresses. Thank you.

This writing has been cross-posted to Medium, where I am not eligible to earn money for it, due to my country of residence. You can also find it on read.cash.

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Great White Snark
Great White Snark

I'm currently seeking fixed employment as a S/W & Web developer (C# & ASP .NET MVC, PHP 8+, Python 3), hoping to stash the farmed fiat and go full Crypto, quit the 07:30-18:00 grind. Unsigned music producer; snarky; white; balding; smashes Patriarchy.

The Snark Returns: Random Musings from The GWS
The Snark Returns: Random Musings from The GWS

SW/Web developer: ~12 years of C# (yay!) & ASP .Net MVC, Java (blargh!), Python (woot!) experience. I'm currently hitting faucets and writing for crypto to stake/invest . | I work part-time with animals. Sadly, my cerebellum and medulla oblongata aren't Einsteinian in proportion. However, I possess a Brobdingnagian vocabulary and get by with being a barbigerous logophile. I can probably write you into bed, if smashing Capitalism and Patriarchy turns you on. Kink is political!

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