publish0xtutorials writing contest winners announced

Announcing: #Publish0xTutorials Writing Contest Winners

By igort | Publish0x Contests | 21 Feb 2020

It's Friday the 21st of February - a time to announce the winners of our 5th Publish0x Writing Contest: #Publish0xTutorials!

There were close to 100 entries into the contest, which is a new record. Thank you. :)


Bigger Rewards and Changes in Rewards Distribution.



The prize pool has been increased from $300 to $400 in BAT! This is because we've gotten so many great entries, and I still feel like we didn't reward all of those that have deserved it.

I have also changed how the rewards will be distributed. There were many great posts entered into the contest, but they are more even in quality than is usually the case:

  • The main change is that there is a tie for the top spot, and authors of both 1st and 2nd placed posts will receive $60 each, instead of the originally planned $100 prizes for the first place, and $60 for the second.
  • However, we've also decided to give out 9x $20 in BAT prizes, instead of 8x $20 in BAT.
  • Further, we are also going to give out 11x $10 rewards, making the entire prize pool $400 in BAT.


Here's how the $400 in BAT prize pool was distributed:

  • 1st and 2nd placed articles have received $60 in BAT each ($120 total).
  • 9 authors, those whose posts have placed between 3rd and 11th position, have received $20 in BAT each ($180 total).
  • 10 additional authors have been awarded $10 in BAT each for their contributions into the contest ($100 total).


These 10 Authors Have Earned $10 in BAT (37.53 BAT) Each for the Posts Submitted to the Contest ($100 Total).



These posts were so good, that we decided that we needed to add additional rewards into the prize pool. They are as follows:


These 9 Authors Have Earned $20 in BAT (75.06 BAT) Each for the Posts Submitted to the Contest ($180 Total).



These nine authors have written great, helpful post, and have been rewarded with $20 in BAT (75.06 BAT) each:



The Winners - 2 Authors with Great Posts Winning $60 in BAT (226.38 BAT) Each!



In my mind, these are the best two articles submitted to the #Publish0xTutorials Writing Contest. We couldn't justify giving a higher reward to one vs the other, thus they are tied for the top spot.

Both of the articles are well written overviews of Publish0x. We feel that both of the posts will help both readers, ambassadors and authors; especially authors. It is obvios that a lot of effort and thought went into writing them! These articles are: 


Congratulations to all of the winners, and thank you to all of you who participated in the contest!


How did We Pay the Winners?


The rewards have already been applied to the articles that we judged were among the best and most helpful of submissions. You can check each individual article and see that the correct amount of rewards were applied, on top of what the article has received in tips. These rewards can be withdrawn on our payout date - which is each Monday!

PS. Check all transaction hashes of payments coming from Publish0x here:


This is the Value of $BAT at the Time of Writing.

The value of BAT at the time of writing is 1 BAT = ~ $0.265



Thank you to all of you who participated in this contest, either by writing or reading, and congratulations to the winners!


You can see all of the entries into the contest by clicking here.





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igort Official Team Member

Publish0x COO. Interested in Cryptos and Blockchain, Travel, Basketball and Hiking.

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Send a $0.01 microtip in crypto to the author, and earn yourself as you read!

20% to author / 80% to me.
We pay the tips from our rewards pool.