#TradeWithBityard Writing Contest and Giveaway: $920 in ETH Rewarded to Authors and Users!

By igort | Publish0x Contests | 18 Dec 2020

Thank you to all who took the time to participate in the TradeWithBityard contest, whether by submitting a post, by tweeting about this, or just by reading, tipping and liking the posts!

There were 70 posts submitted into the contest, and countless tweets about it creating extra buzz on social media. Still, the Bityard team has been super fast in checking your submissions, and has given us the list of winners. Before we announce the winners...


The prizes were increased from $800 to $920 in ETH! Here's the final breakdown of rewards:


  • 1st place: $100 in ETH.
  • 2nd and 3rd place: $80 in ETH each.
  • 4th and 5th place: $65 in ETH each.
  • 6th to 8th place: $50 in ETH each.
  • 9th - 12th place: $40 in ETH each.
  • 12 additional rewards to authors: $10 in ETH each!
  • 5 lucky winners who didn't get any other reward: $10 in ETH each.
  • 10 users who shared news about the contest on Twitter: $5 in ETH each.


Without Further Ado, These are the Winners of #TradeWithBityard Contest!


Once again, check out all of the entries to TradeWithBityard contest here.


Tw wins - 10x $5 in ETH Rewards Each!


As usual, I've contacted Twitter users whose accounts on Publish0x I cannot find, by sending them a DM on Twitter. All users have gotten back to me, and have gotten their rewards!


Lucky Winners - 5X $10 in ETH Rewards Each!


In my mind these were all good posts, and I'm glad that they've won a reward. :)


Additional Rewards - 12x $10 in ETH Rewards Each!


These 12 posts were close to winning a bigger reward, but were just shy of placing higher. Still, I hope that this additional reward shows appreciation for your effort.


9th to 12th Placed Posts - 4x $40 in ETH Rewards Each!


Congratulations to all of you!


6th to 8th Placed Posts - 3x $50 in ETH Rewards Each!


Congrats to both of you, and thank you for submitting these posts into the contest!


4th and 5th Placed Posts - 2x $65 in ETH Rewards Each!


Both of these authors submitted great posts! Congrats and thank you!


2nd and 3rd Places Posts - 2x $80 in ETH Rewards Each!


I'm happy with the choices that the Bityard team has made. Our views in what is good content are similar. Congrats guys!


Top Placed Post - $100 in ETH Reward!


Congrats PVMihalache, your post won this contest, and deservedly so!



How Will the Winners be Paid?



Rewards have already been given out! We've added the corresponding amount of ETH to the winning posts, which you can verify by clicking on each individual post and seeing that they have earned the rewards in ETH + whatever the post has earned on Publish0x organically. The rewards for Tweets for users who are not authors have been added Publish0x accounts of the winners of this contest.

All of the rewards can be withdrawn from Publish0x as early as Monday!


You can see the current price of ETH above in the coin ticker from CoinGecko. At the time of adding rewards to the winners of this contest, ETH was worth $652 USD.




Again, THANK YOU all who took part in this event, and congratulations to all of the winners!



See you soon the next contest is just around the corner (hint, hint)...



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igort Official Team Member

Publish0x COO. Interested in Cryptos and Blockchain, Travel, Basketball and Hiking.

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