Bityard vs. Binance

By Ronnie10 | CryptoSlice | 3 Dec 2020

Hello everybody..

Today, I am going to compare two of the  big giants in the market. Bityard and Binance. Of course, you know all about Binance. I am sure many of you have used Binance over the years. I am just going to shed the lights on some of the key features and diffrences between the two.

0.1 Registration and KYC

When registering to Binance or Bityard. You would not need anything more than a working email. I would not go into details of both. In terms of KYC. You do not have to have any sort of KYC verification to use any of those exchanges. In this category, each exchange is going to receive a point.

Bityard: 1 point.
Binance: 1 point.

0.2 Supported Crypto

This is an important category. In terms of supported Crypto. Binance supports 186 cryptos and on the other hand, Bityard supports only 11. Below, is the list of supported Cryptos in Bityard:

Bitcoin Cash ABC || Bitcoin || Chainlink Coin || Dash || EOS || Ethereum Classic || Ethereum || Litecoin || Ripple || Tether || Tron Coin.

Bityard: 0 points.
Binance: 1 point.

0.3 Exchange Fees

This is something that is highly considered when comparing exchanges. The below table is going to show the differences.

                              || Bitaryd || Binance ||
Taker Fee                0.05%     0.10%
Maker Fee              0.05%     0.10%
Withdrawal Fee     2 USDT   0.0004 BTC

Bityard: 1 point.
Binance: 0 points.

0.4 Deposit Methods

The below table is going to compare the deposit methods that are allowed in both of these exchanges.

              || Bityard || Binance
Wire         X              √
Credit      √               √
Crypto     √               √

In my opinion, that credit and crypto are enough. I do not use wire transfers. But, I will give a point edge to Binance for having an additional option of deposits.

Bityard: 0 points.
Binance: 1 point.

0.5 Final Verdict

Both websites are powerful. But, I would choose the option which is more cost effective if both systems are providing the same features that I am looking for. In terms of the point system above. Binance is leading with 1 point difference.

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