Theta-Hanyang University

Theta signed up Hanyang University

Theta signed up Hanyang University


On the heels of massive 2024 growth, Theta starts 2025 with another massive southeast Asia University signed as a partner. And based upon the article this southeast Asia University system is very tight knit community and they help each other with projects and even share competitive advantage ideas, such as Theta EdgeCloud.


Who is Hanyang University?

This is a private research university in Ansan and Seoul South Korea. The former is the smaller of the two campus and the later is the main campus. It was established in 1939 as Korea's first engineering institute.  They have between 20,000 and 25,000 students making it a large educational institution. They have roughly 2000 staff and 3000 international students annually.


Hanyang Universities Electromagnetics & Intelligent Design Lab (EIDL) partnered with Theta EdgeCloud.

At the EIDL they focus on advancing Semiconductor and Photonics, driven by funding from private enterprise and government backed programs. Driving innovation and advancement to be proud of!


Who Runs the Hanyang University (EIDL)?

Professor Haejun Chung, is himself an internationally recognized AI researcher!   He already has groundbreaking research in AI-driven photonicsinverse design, and semiconductor development.  Yeah way over my head!!!   He has sponsors from the likes of Semiconductor heavy weight SK Hynix as well as Samsung (recall Samsung is tight with Theta).


Professor Haejun Chung's impressive pedigree

  • Collaboration with world-renowned institutions including MIT, KAIST, and Yale University.
  • Industry partnerships with Samsung and SK Hynix, driving innovation in semiconductor and photonic research.
  • Over 100 publications in high-impact journals like Advanced Photonics, Nanophotonics, and Optics Express.
  • Highly recognized work in metasurface and metalens designs.


Why Theta?  Here is Professor Haejun Chung's quote summarized

Theta provides the computational power to accelerate their AI research in both photonic and semiconductor technologies.  Pushing the boundaries of both of those fields.


Theta driven research will enable EIDL to leverage Theta GPU resources to work on such projects as:

  • AI-enhanced optical systems for diverse fields like AR/VR, telecommunications, and medical imaging.
  • Developing broadband optical components that redefine scalability and efficiency in light manipulation.
  • Large-scale inverse design simulations to optimize photonic devices.


My Theta EdgeCloud blogs:




I am amazed at all the cross university collaboration and now they are sharing Theta EdgeCloud to bring benefits to all the universities and their subsequent impact on technology advancements.  Theta is off to a rapid start for 2025, are you?


Credits: Blog Pic - Theta - all rights remain!

Disclaimer - I am not an employee nor an agent of Theta, although it sounds super exciting!

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Keith Thuerk
Keith Thuerk

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