
Theta strengthens South East Asia stronghold adds Hankuk University

Theta strengthens South East Asia stronghold adds Hankuk University


Theta secured another EdgeCloud AI Customer by signing Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (HUFS) and expanding Korean academic presence. 


What is HUFS?

HUFS is one of the top ranked universities in Korea and specializes in research as well as global education. Some of the topics they are best known for include AI, Data Convergence, Languages.  Current enrollment is just over 33,000 students and are located in Seoul South Korea.


Who is leading the efforts at HUFS?

Prof. Ikbeom Jang who has an extensive background and some of his credentials include:

  • Ph.D. in electrical and computer engineering from Purdue University, USA
  • Postdoctoral fellow at Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School

Prof. Jang is also responsible for running HUFS Computer cluster


What are the uses cases HUFS have identified for Theta EdgeCloud?

One target use case is AI Healthcare innovation and curing potential viri and other ailments.  As well as other AI research projects to leverage the Nvidia H100 GPUs


Looking for other resources on Theta EdgeCloud?

Here my most recent blogs on EdgeCloud:



Theta EdgeCloud AI is quickly becoming THE leading decentralized platform for AI computing and I believe signing the largest SE Asian academic institution will cause others to drop their plans and follow suit. I can't wait to see how this helps in the Healthcare arena perhaps we can finally get a cure for Cancer!


Credit - Blog image from Theta - all rights remain

Disclaimer - I am not an employee nor an agent of Theta Network nor Hankuk University, although it sounds super exciting!

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Keith Thuerk
Keith Thuerk

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