
Theta Elite Boosters - went live yesterday - Amazing quantity staked

Theta Elite Boosters - went live yesterday - Amazing quantity staked


Yesterday, the Theta Elite Boosters running on Edge nodes went live and the results are mind blowing, even to this Theta fanboy!

Recall, Theta completed its rollout of EdgeCloud yesterday which included a new Theta Edge Node client V5.0.2 which supports Elite Staking.  Elite staking has a minimum of 500K TFUEL to take advantage of the three types of staking available.

Let's uncover what happend yesterday w/ TFUEL Elite staking. Well, over 100,000,000 TFUEL locked in after launch!Theta-Elite-Boosters-100M 

Let's recap around TFUEL.

TFUEL is Theta's 'utility' token aka gas for the Theta protocol

Theta created 5M TFUEL at the blockchain genesis. This was a 5:1 ratio to Theta (5 TFUEL for each 1 Theta token) and it grows at 5% per annum

On June 30 '21 took mainnet 3.0 live which included the following changes:

  • TFUEL staking for becoming an Elite Edge Node
  • TFUEL burning mechanism


Did you take advantage of the staking on new Elite node release?

I did not as I don't have 500K TFUEL; lol. Wondering IF I ever will??? Doubt me? Look at the Blog pic that's from my Edge node. 0% staked and $0 rewards! But I will continue towards my goal!


Theta Resources

Theta Docs


Looking for other resources on Theta EdgeCloud?

Here my four most recent on EdgeCloud:



Lots of great new enabling technologies from Theta over the past 5-6 weeks. Have you taken advantage of any of them? Are you staking your TFUEL to power your future earnings? 100M TFUEL staked in the 1st 24-hours that is AMAZING to me. Let's go Theta!

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Keith Thuerk
Keith Thuerk

Currently learning about Crypto & DeFi to combat the Inflationary Tidal wave coming our way!

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