
Theta & Jamcoding partner up for e-learning

Theta & Jamcoding partner up for e-learning


e-learning came into its own during CV-19 lockdowns

That much is clear, clear leaders have emerged. One leader coming out of S. Korea is Jamcoding. 


Who is Jamcoding?

South Korea based firm and they have nine (9) physical locations and present courseware all over the globe.  They are known for in-person and online coding programs which are highly successful.  One way to rate their success is based upon their student successes.  Jamcoding students have 170 patents already!  40 or more students have been accepted to highly recognized higher education institutions such as Columbia University, KAIST just to name a few.


How large is the e-learning market?

Current estimates place the value just over $500B with a large CAGR this is expected to grow to $1.4T by 2031.  Theta is well aware of this potential and has taken several steps to ensure they will continue to lead these efforts via Theta EdgeCloud. A peer-to-peer AI sharing environment.


Jamcoding signed multi-year agree for Theta EdgeCloud.

One might ask why is this important?   As school budgets get stretched thinner and thinner the ability to continue to keep updated technology in schools becomes difficult or even unobtainable in the case of AI.  But, foreword thinking enterprises such as Jamcoding partnering with Theta brings down the huge cost of AI enablement. Not only enabling them, but bringing a level of personalization to this new technology.


Looking for other resources on Theta EdgeCloud?

Here my most recent blogs on EdgeCloud:



Theta continues to build upon recent success in academia, Theta is quickly expanding into corporate and enterprise customer segments with Jamcoding.  Would you be willing to pay for e-learning to get ahead or pay for your children to get ahead?

Credit - Blog image from Theta - all rights remain

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Keith Thuerk
Keith Thuerk

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