
Theta Labs adds Liner AI Search Engine as Enterprise Customer

Theta Labs adds Liner AI Search Engine as Enterprise Customer

Last week Theta EdgeCloud signed another milestone Enterprise Customer, Liner

Who is Liner?

According to Andreessen Horowitz’s Top 50 Generative AI web services they are a global leader in generative AI-powered search. They currently support over 10 million students and researchers from such prestigious institutions as UC Berkeley, Texas A&M, and The University of Southern California. With Liner's alignment to academia that is a natural fit for Theta EdgeCloud as we have seen over the course of this year.


What else do we know about Liner?

They have raised money, for example in their B Series of fundraising they raised $29M.  Some of the more prominent names you will recognize are already associated with Theta in one manner or another. A highly abbreviated list includes:  Samsung Venture Investment


What makes Liner AI Search engine different?

Liner utilizes a combination of AI Models including GPT3.5 Turbo, GPT4.0 and their own Liner 7B Model used together with advanced inferencing techniques Liner is able to deliver context aware answers.


Why did they select Theta EdgeCloud?

Not knowing who Liner was, I went to their website and asked them directly. Here is the AI output response:

"​The partnership between Liner and Theta EdgeCloud was established to enhance Liner's AI search engine capabilities.​ This collaboration enables Liner to leverage the decentralized GPU resources provided by Theta EdgeCloud, which significantly improves the speed and efficiency of information retrieval systems.

Furthermore, Liner aims to cater to the needs of over 10 million students and researchers, utilizing advanced AI models like GPT-4 and its proprietary Liner 7B model for hyper-personalized information retrieval. By employing advanced inference techniques enabled through this partnership, Liner can deliver more precise answers from trusted academic sources, thus optimizing the search experience for its users.

This collaboration also aligns with Theta's mission to support academic innovation by providing robust infrastructure for AI research, thus fostering greater development and application of AI technologies within academic institutions"

There you have it from the horses mouth, well AI mouth is more like it!


Liner CEO Quote 



My Theta EdgeCloud blogs:


There should be little doubt left out there that Theta is making huge strides in the academic communities around the globe. Thus advancing research all powered by Theta EdgeCloud. I bet Liner will NOT be the last enterprise customer we see signed on to leverage Theta AI resources.



  • Blog Pic - Theta - all rights remain!

Disclaimer - I am not an employee nor an agent of Theta, although it sounds super exciting!

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Keith Thuerk
Keith Thuerk

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