Theta EdgeCloud enables TFUEL Billing

Theta EdgeCloud enables TFUEL Billing

Earlier this week Theta enabled TFUEL billing for EdgeCloud services.

Thus enshrining TFUEL as THE core payment method for all things EdgeCloud.  Another benefit for EdgeCloud users is they get a discount of 5% when they pay for services using TFUEL. Not to worry Theta will still accept your fiat currency, until they don't (sorry I added that last part in there is just sounded fun in my head).


Theta economy

Theta's token economy was built around decentralization and so fiat must be converted into TFUEL to ensure everyone in the ecosystem receives benefit


Sample TFUEL Payment screen


Background on TFUEL

  • Theta created TFUEL March 15 '19 with a ratio to Theta token ~40:1, 50:1, and has been as high as 70:1
  • One benefit from Theta Mainnet V3.0 was TFUEL Staking and Burning June '21
    • Recall 5% TFUEL created per year
    • TFUEL can be staked for passive income 
  • TFUEL can be used to purchase NFT's on,, and OpenSea. There might be others but I have not used them.
  • Currently trading just below $0.06 each


My Theta EdgeCloud blogs:




Allowing TFUEL payments helps keep EdgeCloud central to Theta and the Theta economy both now and in the future. Is anyone else noticing the potential increase in Android devices running Theta Edge Node to earn and spend TFUEL?




  • Blog image - all rights remain
  • TFUEL Payment - Theta - all rights remain

Disclaimer - I am not an employee nor an agent of Theta, although it sounds super exciting!

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Keith Thuerk
Keith Thuerk

Currently learning about Crypto & DeFi to combat the Inflationary Tidal wave coming our way!

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