
74 Articles 0 Followers

The Divine Director Loses His Shit

24 Feb 2019 1 minute read 0 comments Steve B Howard

FLASH FICTION:   He looked again at the text message glaring across the screen and he felt the rage and wrath rising in him. “Yahweh!” the text message screamed. “ I give you a singularity with enough power to create an immense amount of time and spa...

Did I just get trolled by Putin?

2 May 2022 2 minute read 2 comments BitcoinBaby

In my article on the Impact of WW3 on Crypto, I received a very interesting comment. What would be the impact of World War III on the Crypto Market? It went something like this:Пока всё выглядит логично : Россия не нападала на Украину, но Украина об...

To Die At Sears

3 Feb 2020 1 minute read 0 comments JAQ61188

Dying in a Searswould be nice butit will never happenas I don’t want todie young I’m 29and Sears isn’tgoing to lastuntil my old agebut why wouldI want to die ina Sears in the firstplace as it’s likeany other departmentstore? Well the sentence,“Joseph...

I was cheating on my wife before we met and now she wants divorce!

3 Jul 2019 1 minute read 2 comments MehdiShirzaD

I don't know if it's sad or funny that American neoliberalism's figures like President Reagan and Henry Kissinger succeded by John Bolton and President Trump.