
74 Articles 0 Followers

Who are the Bodganoffs???

14 Feb 2020 1 minute read 0 comments TheCryptokeeper

The Bogdanoffs control all cryptocurrency, and more:   They are in contact with aliens   They are rumored to possess psychic-like abilities     They serve as head of secret global financial institutions They Own castles & banks globally   They are...

Enter Eich

12 Feb 2020 1 minute read 1 comment TheCryptokeeper

He's a renegade. His heart is too much of a wildfire for even Mozilla..ayy you guessed it; he's Brendan Eich. "I paid these people to look at me. What are you gonna do about it?"   He's attracting a veritable who's who of Internet criminals. The wu...

Brendan Eich wants your attention

11 Feb 2020 1 minute read 1 comment TheCryptokeeper

Brendan Eich likes to brag about how much attention he is able to buy with his personal collection of Basic Attention Tokens.  "Hi, I'm from the future, you'll wish you held when the apocalypse hits" - Brendan Eich from a future alternate(?) realit...

New from WHARVED: Tour de Force

23 Jan 2020 1 minute read 0 comments Wharved

Of Nice and Men is a snappy, genre-driven play predicated on your typical hero's journey through the heartland once regarded as antiquated--cornball, even--in the pseudo-sophisticated shadow of a cultured society we've been thrust into by the more ma...

Original Poem: Flesh and Blood

22 Jan 2020 1 minute read 0 comments Wharved

Mannequin rest is a sign of weaknessand cheap plastic.My stock at the Sears downtown believes that since they look human,they should receive pay and benefitslike my flesh and blood employees. I'm so tired of emphasizing to these hollow Betties and Be...

Sniffing out Shitcoins -- a Primer in Shit

16 Oct 2019 3 minute read 2 comments Anony

Many of us may have heard our precious alt coins sometimes referred to as shitcoins. Perhaps we were reading a forum or an article, and to our amazement our fine investment was derided with such a term. But how could such a well researched and active...

Don't Piss away your Money -- Invest in Urine!

16 Oct 2019 1 minute read 3 comments Anony

As crypto people we are always looking for the next big thing. The next coin that will provide insane returns like BTC did in the early days. Well, maybe we don't have to look any further, as my research has turned up a unique investment opportunity....

DOPPELGANGER; socialist erotica

9 Oct 2019 3 minute read 0 comments (S)llew la Wulf

DOPPELGÄNGER     I knew the moment I laid eyes upon him, all hot and furry and dishevelled, peering at a battered iPad over his dodgy but très cool NHS spectacles that I had to have him...furthermore that I would.   I could smell the sexual tension a...

Use Crypto to Fix your Rotten Teeth

4 Oct 2019 1 minute read 4 comments Anony

If you are like me, you may not take the best care of your teeth. I mean, between constantly watching crypto prices and staring at a computer screen all day, who has the time to brush their teeth? I sure don't ... I have more important things to do l...

Why Don't You Just Marry XRP?

4 Jul 2019 2 minute read 16 comments kryptik

The crypto winter is (probably) over. Thank God. Flowers are blooming, birds are chirping, and the bull-tards are thawing out and swinging their dicks like giant clubs on the heads of the remnants of the bear market. They are gobbling up tokens like...