Nature, animals, plants, mushrooms

Nature, animals, plants, mushrooms

everything about what lives on Earth

Have you ever been chased by a goose? Or maybe she pinched her calf or buttock? Greylag goose is not joking

22 Jun 2023 3 minute read 0 comments marianomariano68

Have you ever been chased by a goose? Or maybe she pinched her calf or buttock? Greylag goose is not joking Pogoniła cię kiedyś gęś? A może uszczypnęła w łydkę albo pośladek? Gęś Gęgawa nie żartuje! How many of us remember the adventure with geese...

My balcony garden this year, natural fertilizers and plant protection products

20 Jun 2023 2 minute read 2 comments marianomariano68

This year's balcony garden is full of life. Some plants are already finishing their vegetation, and this applies to cucumbers sown in February, and others are ready for transplanting. Tegoroczny balkonowy ogródek zaczyna tętnić życiem. Jedne roślin...

Korean fir in early spring and summer

19 Jun 2023 2 minute read 2 comments marianomariano68

Cones in early spring Szyszki wczesną wiosną Cones in early summer Szyszki wczesnym latem I had the opportunity to see and describe this tree in late autumn and winter. This time I took some photos over the course of a few weeks. To drzewko mi...

No worries - all oyster mushrooms are edible. Be it Indian oyster or Pleurotus cornucopiae

17 Jun 2023 3 minute read 0 comments marianomariano68

I found these tasty and very healthy mushrooms in the "Góra Chełm" nature reserve. Theoretically, you should not meet them at this time of year, because they are fungi that like low temperatures and high humidity, and their appearance falls on l...

There is a black sheep in every family - White saddle (Helvella crispa) and Slate gray saddle (Helvella lacunosa).

13 Jun 2023 1 minute read 0 comments marianomariano68

White saddle (Helvella crispa) and Slate gray saddle (Helvella lacunosa). Bay like a family but they are different. Edible white, beautiful, black in tattered robes, but also edible. Piestrzyca kędzierzawa i Piestrzyca zatokowata niby rodzina ale s...

Field poppy. Is it narcotic? Can you get opium and morphine out of it?

12 Jun 2023 3 minute read 0 comments marianomariano68

Mak polny. Czy działa narkotycznie? Czy można z niego uzyskać opium i morfinę? Field poppy is a plant that will always remind me of holidays. And it's not about exotic trips, but about the Polish countryside. Mak polny, to roślina, która zawsze bę...

Can you tame an adult jackdaw? - because titmouse sometimes eat out of my hand

11 Jun 2023 3 minute read 0 comments marianomariano68

Czy można oswoić dorosłą kawkę? - bo sikorki jedzą mi czasami z ręki short slow motion video of jackdaw feeding   Jackdaws are very intelligent birds, they learn very quickly, adapt to a new environment, but most of them avoid people, they ar...

A bird with a rogue temperament - Common coot with young on my favorite pond

11 Jun 2023 3 minute read 0 comments marianomariano68

Ptak ze zbójeckim temperamentem - Łyska pospolita z młodymi na moim ulubionym stawie This undoubted troublemaker, also known as the black diver, is the common coot, from Latin Fulica atra. The Polish name comes from the white patch on the forehead,...

Memories from the previous season and hopes for this year's mushroom season - Boletus edulis

4 Jun 2023 2 minute read 0 comments marianomariano68

Wspomnienia z byłego sezonu i nadzieje na tegoroczny sezon grzybowy - Borowiki szlachetne My eyes light up when I look at the photos of porcini mushrooms collected last season. But soon I will enjoy the eye with these beautiful mushrooms live, in a r...

Half a year later, what changes? Red-belted conk

31 May 2023 2 minute read 0 comments marianomariano68

At the end of December last year, on a live tree, I spotted a fungus resembling the shape of common polypore. Yes, it was and still is an arboreal fungus, but it is called "Red-belted conk". Pod koniec grudnia ubiegłego roku wypatrzyłem na żywym d...