Nature, animals, plants, mushrooms

Nature, animals, plants, mushrooms

everything about what lives on Earth

Hazel tree in spring and summer - childhood memories

13 Jul 2023 4 minute read 0 comments marianomariano68

This characteristic tree is probably known to most of the inhabitants of Europe, because it is very common in Europe. You can find this tree growing wild or cultivated to obtain world-renowned hazelnuts. To charakterystyczne drzewa zna chyba większ...

Conditionally edible mushrooms - Ugly milk-cap and Club-foot

12 Jul 2023 3 minute read 0 comments marianomariano68

Conditionally edible mushrooms - Ugly milk-cap (Lactarius necator) and Club-foot (Ampulloclitocybe clavipes) Grzyby jadalne warunkowo - Mleczaj paskudnik (Lactarius necator)i Białolejkówka buławotrzonowa (Ampulloclitocybe clavipes) Today, two spe...

Bicycle walks in the park gardens - fernleaf yarrow, milfoil, or nosebleed - a beautiful garden plant with healing properties -

9 Jul 2023 2 minute read 1 comment marianomariano68

Spacery rowerowe po parkowych ogrodach - Krwawnik wiązówkowaty - piękna roślina ogrodowa o właściwościach leczniczych This is another beautiful flower encountered during bicycle walks in park gardens. It is called fernleaf yarrow, milfoil, or nose...

Blue spiky bubbles like houses for elves and nymphs take you to a magical world

8 Jul 2023 2 minute read 0 comments marianomariano68

Yesterday, when I went for a walk in the park, beautiful and strange flowers caught my eye. At first, taking pictures of them, I thought that they would end up in a post about plants. Gdy wczoraj wybrałem się na spacer do parku, wpadły mi w oko pię...

Corone cornix a good mother for her children, merciless for others

6 Jul 2023 2 minute read 0 comments marianomariano68

        He defends his child with everything he can, claws, beak, while cawing loudly, screaming, but the chicks of other birds are unceremoniously kidnapped, murdered and eaten. He also likes nuts. Such a jet. Swojego dziecka...

Growing a Sumatra beast at home to cure Alzheimer's? - outrage on some famous social media

5 Jul 2023 7 minute read 0 comments marianomariano68

Hoduję w domu bestię z Sumatry leczącą alzhaimera? - gównoburza w pewnych "znanych mediach społecznościowych" Traveling around exotic countries in the world, I have such a small Hobby. It is collecting the seeds of various plants. I know that biol...

Walks in the wet beech forest - Clustered bonnet and jelly tooth

3 Jul 2023 3 minute read 0 comments marianomariano68

Spacery po mokrym bukowym lesie - Grzybówka mydlana i Galaretek kolczasty Looking in the forest for mushrooms that may possibly end up in our kitchen, we often come across specimens that are seemingly unsuitable for consumption. Rozglądając się w l...

The first beautiful bloom of roses this year in the Silesian Rosarium

2 Jul 2023 1 minute read 0 comments marianomariano68

Today, and basically uncertain weather, made me visit the "Rosarium" in Park Śląski with a camera. The weather is uncertain, stuffy, muggy after yesterday's downpours. Dzisiejszy dzień, a w zasadzie niepewna pogoda, skłonił mnie do wizyty z apara...

The barn swallow is there every day, i.e. the mayor's house

29 Jun 2023 3 minute read 0 comments marianomariano68

Jaskółka dymówka jest tam codziennie, czyli dom sołtysa When I wouldn't show up at the Mayor's shop, she's there. He sits on the wires and watches the people sitting on the shop bench. She probably has a nest somewhere nearby, and has become attache...

Milk thistle, a substitute for opium

25 Jun 2023 2 minute read 2 comments marianomariano68

Sałata kompasowa, czyli zamiennik dla opium When a man looks around a bit, and exactly turns his head behind the bench where he often sits, it turns out. that the content grows behind your back. This is exactly what happened with this plant, which im...