Nature, animals, plants, mushrooms

Nature, animals, plants, mushrooms

everything about what lives on Earth

Spring bloom of Magnolia trees in my favorite Silesian Park

19 Apr 2023 2 minute read 1 comment marianomariano68

It is a beautiful tree, some say that the shrub in the wild is found mainly in the Americas and East Asia. However, it appears all over the world, thanks to enthusiasts of beautiful flowers. To piękne drzewo, niektórzy twierdzą że krzew w stanie d...

My favorites in the film frame. Common tit and moorhen

13 Apr 2023 1 minute read 0 comments marianomariano68

Today I'm meeting my favorites again. Titmouse come to the feeding place quite regularly. They are not shy, they got used to my presence. Dzisiaj ponowne spotkanie z moimi ulubienicami. Sikorki przylatują w miejsce dokarmiania dość regularnie. Nie...

Common moorhen with noble, dignified demeanor

31 Mar 2023 1 minute read 1 comment marianomariano68

This beautiful and noble bird has joined the group of my favorites. Ten piękny i w zachowaniu szlachetny ptaszek, dołączył do grona moich ulubieńców. In the Park, in a place where we usually feed mainly jackdaws and tits, a "water hen" appeared,...

Artist's conk - a beautiful arboreal mushroom

25 Mar 2023 1 minute read 0 comments marianomariano68

This mushroom specimen was growing on an old poplar stump in the park. She was beheaded quite a long time ago, because she was over 60 years old. This tree species is very susceptible to changing weather conditions. It quickly gets wet, and then i...

Birch polypore, birch bracket - an arboreal medicinal birch parasite

3 Mar 2023 2 minute read 0 comments marianomariano68

This is one of the arboreal parasitic mushrooms with healing properties, which has its favorite stand. It occurs only on a tree called birch. It may be a dead log, but a healthy tree is also a potential home for this fungus. It can grow at high alti...

Red-belted conk - a beautiful colorful arboreal mushroom with health properties

1 Mar 2023 2 minute read 1 comment marianomariano68

Walking through the park in winter, where everything seems to be gray, you can sometimes see colorful gems that don't match the surroundings. Spacerując po parku w okresie zimowym gdzie wszystko wydaje się być szare można czasami dostrzec kolorow...

Early spring and the first observations of still dormant nature

24 Feb 2023 1 minute read 1 comment marianomariano68

Although the calendar winter is not over yet, the first warm rays of the sun encourage you to take walks in the nearby park and around the surrounding water reservoirs. Chociaż kalendarzowa zima jeszcze się nie skończyła, pierwsze ciepłe promienie...

Lacrymaria lacrymabunda - a common yet little-known mushroom

18 Feb 2023 1 minute read 0 comments marianomariano68

Kruchawica aksamitna (Lacrymaria lacrymabunda) - pospolity, a jednak mało znany grzyb Although this mushroom is quite common, few people pay attention to it. It appears in early summer and continues to grow until autumn. It is considered an inedible...

A harsh winter has come, but the jay is not going anywhere anyway, so she dropped by for a photo shoot

14 Feb 2023 2 minute read 0 comments marianomariano68

Garrulus glandarius - because this is the Latin name of the Euroasian jay, is a very common sight in the place where I often hang out. This park bench has become a mecca for all species of birds in the area, mainly due to feeding. Garrulus glandar...

Tinder fungus - a common mushroom with unusual properties

12 Feb 2023 2 minute read 2 comments marianomariano68

Tinder fungus, whose Latin name Fomes fomentarius belongs to a species of arboreal mushrooms that impress with their size. This species can reach a diameter of up to 50-60 cm. Hubiak pospolity, którego łacińska nazwa Fomes fomentarius należy do gatu...