Nature, animals, plants, mushrooms

Nature, animals, plants, mushrooms

everything about what lives on Earth

Fascinating mushroom shapes - Armillaria mellea (honey mushroom)

30 Sep 2020 1 minute read 0 comments marianomariano68

Armillaria mellea Armillaria mellea The honeycomb cap is 30 to 110 mm in diameter, first hemispherical with a curved edge, then convex to flat with a sharp edge, olive-brown. The surface of the hat is dry, covered with small, darker scales, in...

The green toad (Bufo viridis) in the Silesian Park, Poland

30 Sep 2020 1 minute read 0 comments marianomariano68

The green toad (Bufo viridis) is a beautiful amphibian from the toad family. The toad's body is light gray, covered with green spots, slightly darker in females. In addition to green spots, the body is covered with warts, which have red tips on the...

My journey through Asia, Borneo - What the monkeys are talking about, Borneo, Labuk Bay Proboscis Monkey Sanctuary

28 Sep 2020 2 minute read 1 comment marianomariano68

My trip around Malaysian Borneo could not be complete without visiting monkeys who live in Labuk Bay. The place where they are staying is quite specific, because it is not a reserve and it is not a shelter or a zoo. Located several kilometers from...

Fascinating mushroom shapes - Clathrus archeri

28 Sep 2020 1 minute read 1 comment marianomariano68

Clathrus archeri - Mushroom grows buried in the ground, then slightly protruding from the white, root mycelium cords. In the young phase it has a spherical or ovoid shape, slightly flattened forming the so-called devil egg light gray to brownis...

Fascinating mushroom shapes - Macrolepiota procera (a very tasty edible mushroom)

27 Sep 2020 1 minute read 0 comments marianomariano68

Macrolepiota procera or Lepiota procera - The parasol mushroom - is a basidiomycete fungus with a large, prominent fruiting body resembling a parasol. It is a fairly common species on well-drained soils. It is found solitary or in groups and fai...

Fascinating mushroom shapes - Pycnoporellus alboluteus

26 Sep 2020 1 minute read 0 comments marianomariano68

Pycnoporellus alboluteus - Mushroom annual. In the shape of a rather irregular, mostly cushion, resupinate, more or less elongated. Reaching a length from 100 to 3000 mm and a width of 50 to 500 mm. Sometimes it spreads out - bent 4-40 x 30 -...

Fascinating mushroom shapes - Mitrophora semilibera

25 Sep 2020 1 minute read 2 comments marianomariano68

  Morchella semilibera, commonly referred to as semi-free apricot, is a species of mushroom from the family Morchellaceae, originating in Europe and Asia. The head height is 20 to 80 (100) mm and the width is 10 to 40 mm. The fungus is ocher, nut, y...

Mushrooms occurring in Europe - Spinellus fusiger

25 Sep 2020 1 minute read 0 comments marianomariano68

Spinellus fusiger - Anamorpha (asexual fruiting phase) has the form of a white mole of hypha - these are numerous stems called sporangiophores, ending with spherical sporangia called sporangium. A single such branch is in the form of a pin. The...

Fascinating mushroom shapes - Mutinus ravenelii

24 Sep 2020 1 minute read 0 comments marianomariano68

Mutinus ravenelii - The fungus develops underground and appears on the surface as a white, oblong-shaped 15 mm thick, 15 to 20 mm high. Attached to the ground with white mycelium strings. Covered with a hard white cover. Under the cover there i...

Physalis peruvian (peruvian cherry) - tincture of honey tomatillo - nalewka z miechunki miodowej [EN] [PL]

23 Sep 2020 1 minute read 0 comments marianomariano68

A simple recipe for tincture of honey bellows The honey mycelium (edible, Peruvian) is an exotic plant, the nutritional value and health properties of which have already been appreciated by the Incas, who called it the "golden berry". This tiny...