Nature, animals, plants, mushrooms

Nature, animals, plants, mushrooms

everything about what lives on Earth

Shrub that blooms twice a year - Nigra or purple magnolia (Magnolia liliflora)

30 May 2023 2 minute read 0 comments marianomariano68

This shrub is the only specimen that I managed to spot in the Silesian Park, specifically on the outskirts of "Rosarium". Ten krzew to jedyny egzemplarz który udało mi się wypatrzeć w Parku Śląskim, a dokładnie na obrzeżach "Rosarium"....

So much life in one place and beautiful barberries

29 May 2023 2 minute read 1 comment marianomariano68

On this old spruce trunk, new life has arisen. But not one, but many. The old rotten trunk became a breeding ground for moss, mushrooms grew on it, i.e. dryad's saddle. Grass grows around it, milkweed, a small oak tree, probably planted by squirrels...

Sleeping male mallard duck in a park pond

24 May 2023 1 minute read 0 comments marianomariano68

Although mallards are quite common birds, a solitary sleeping male of this species is not easy to locate. Choć kaczki krzyżówki należą do ptaków spotykanych dość często, to samotnego śpiącego samca tego gatunku nie jest łatwo zlokalizować. I wa...

Beautiful flowers of the Silesian Park - Japanese rhododendron or Azalea

23 May 2023 1 minute read 1 comment marianomariano68

Spring, and especially its middle period, the end of May is the time for a show of beautiful flowers. Wiosna, a szczególnie jej środkowy okres, koniec maja to czas na pokaz przepięknych kwiatów. Near the Japanese garden in Park Śląski, there ar...

Herring gull - a bird that should not be here

22 May 2023 2 minute read 0 comments marianomariano68

Going for walks to the nearby pond, I noticed that a strange creature appeared on it. It is the herring gull. Chodząc na spacery nad pobliski staw, zauważyłem, że pojawiła się na nim osobliwa istota. Jest nią Mewa srebrzysta. An interesting fact...

Symbiosis of starlings and moles

5 May 2023 1 minute read 1 comment marianomariano68

As soon as the winter-weary earth receives a dose of warm sunlight, life appears in it. For some it's a joy, for others it's a pain. Gdy tylko zmęczona zimą ziemia otrzyma dawkę ciepłych promieni słonecznych pojawia się w niej życie. Dla jednych to...

A seemingly popular mushroom, but often overlooked - Lenzites betulina - a mushroom with medicinal properties

1 May 2023 2 minute read 0 comments marianomariano68

This fungus is the result of observing trees in early spring. It can be observed on many species of deciduous trees, sometimes on conifers. In most cases, it grows on dead stumps, logs, fences. This one, however, settled on a healthy deciduous tree...

Psathyrella candolleana - one of the first spring mushrooms and fun with artificial intelligence

30 Apr 2023 2 minute read 0 comments marianomariano68

First, a little fun with artificial intelligence. This program works a little differently than what I know so far. Because he creates images using words, but also your invention. Na początek trochę zabawy ze sztuczną inteligencją. Ten program dzi...

Tasty spring arboreal mushroom - dryad's saddle or pheasant's back mushroom

29 Apr 2023 3 minute read 0 comments marianomariano68

It was in my regions that underestimated by many pickers, early spring edible mushrooms appeared. Właśnie w moich regionach pojawiły się niedoceniane przez wielu zbieraczy wczesnowiosenny grzyby jadalne. Only that it is an arboreal species and...

Jackdaws build nests, and sometimes come to feed with building material in their beaks

22 Apr 2023 1 minute read 0 comments marianomariano68

Today is another day of observing and feeding birds with treats. In addition to Titmouse, which appear every day, Jackdaws also appear. Dzisiaj kolejny dzień obserwacji i dokarmiania ptaków smakołykami. Poza Sikorkami, które pojawiają się codzienni...