Nature, animals, plants, mushrooms

Nature, animals, plants, mushrooms

everything about what lives on Earth

Rusty gilled polypore (Gloeophyllum sepiarium) - the destroyer of our wooden structures

11 Feb 2023 1 minute read 0 comments marianomariano68

This undoubted pest of our wooden structures, houses, fences, wood warehouses, etc. is a very popular and common mushroom. Ten niewątpliwy szkodnik naszych drewnianych konstrukcji, domów, płotów, składów drewna etc. jest bardzo popularnym i często...

Soapy Knight or Soap Tricholoma - inedible mushrooms with an unpleasant smell

7 Feb 2023 2 minute read 0 comments marianomariano68

Tricholoma saponaceum is another species of mushroom that is inedible not because of the content of toxic and poisonous substances, but because of its smell. Tricholoma saponaceum to kolejny gatunek grzyba, który jest niejadalny nie ze względu na z...

I came to feed them and here's a greeting - Mute Swan 😊

1 Feb 2023 2 minute read 0 comments marianomariano68

Of course, this greeting is a joke. It's a mute swan, but not because it fills its mouth. A pair of Swans, which appears regularly every year in my Silesian Park, most often appears on the channel. The water there is clean, transparent, and above al...

My bird companions in the winter season - favorite bench and favorite Eurasian jackdaw

29 Jan 2023 1 minute read 0 comments marianomariano68

Although winter is not too harsh, because the temperatures oscillate around 0 degrees, I feed the birds, and in fact it probably spoils their characters and spoils them a bit. Choć zima nie jest zbyt sroga, bo temperatury oscylują w okolicy 0 stopn...

Korean fir - conifer with blue cones growing upwards

20 Jan 2023 1 minute read 0 comments marianomariano68

When walking along the park alleys in the summer, there is so much visual information that you often miss objects worthy of attention. Such an object is the Korean fir, which in the summer has cones of a characteristic blue-violet color. Spacerują...

Common ivy - medicine in poison, my home cultivation

14 Jan 2023 3 minute read 0 comments marianomariano68

Walking in my favorite park one winter day I came across a plant climbing on a tree. The day I took a walk was snowy and frosty like the previous few. Spacerując po moim ulubionym parku natknąłem się pewnego zimowego dnia na rośliną pnącą...

Are these beautiful mushrooms growing in parks and our gardens edible?

31 Dec 2022 1 minute read 0 comments marianomariano68

Often, walking in parks or gardens, we notice wild mushrooms. Most people, noticing such a phenomenon, are convinced that if a mushroom grows near human habitations, in a park or garden, it is certainly poisonous, or at least worthless. Często spac...

These plants are not afraid of frost - Rhododendron Goldfimmer

30 Dec 2022 1 minute read 3 comments marianomariano68

Walking in winter along the park alleys, I never paid attention to the plants that are resistant to cold. One of such plants is "Rhododendron" or Rhododendron Goldfimmer. Spacerując zima po parkowych alejkach nigdy nie zwracałem uwagi na roślinność...

A place in Red-capped scaber stalk - a memory of autumn walks in the Jura

28 Dec 2022 2 minute read 0 comments marianomariano68

Everyone who very often goes to the forest to pick mushrooms in one region has so-called "his spots". These are places where you can meet a particular species of fungus every year at a certain time. Każdy kto bardzo często jeździ do lasu na grzyby...

Clouded agaric - a popular late autumn mushroom

16 Dec 2022 2 minute read 3 comments marianomariano68

Late autumn walks annually abound in this species of mushroom. Some say it is edible others say it is conditionally edible. I don't collect it, but it has its own charm, and it's worth stopping by. Późnojesienne spacery corocznie obfitują w ten gatu...