Nature, animals, plants, mushrooms

Nature, animals, plants, mushrooms

everything about what lives on Earth

Common earthball - an amateur will confuse it with a truffle and will experience unpleasant results of disappointment

7 Aug 2023 2 minute read 0 comments marianomariano68

Tęgoskór cytrynowy - amator pomyli go z truflą i dozna przykrych w sutkach doznań gastrycznych The end of July is the time when more and more different species of mushrooms appear in the forests. This is favored by cooler nights and higher humid...

Mosaic puffball, a month ago it was beautiful, now it's just phenomenal

6 Aug 2023 2 minute read 0 comments marianomariano68

Purchawka oczkowana, miesiąc temu była piękna, teraz jest tylko zjawiskowa This mushroom can be found quite often in pasture meadows, where there is a lot of sun and the soil is fertile. It does not like shady forest, prefers sunny grassy areas. But...

Collared kingfisher and Pacific Swallows on the route of my travels in the Philippines

4 Aug 2023 2 minute read 0 comments marianomariano68

Łowczyk obrożny i Jaskółki pacyficzne na trasie moich podróży po Filipinach These two species of birds, one quite rare, the other more often seen, I met while traveling around Asia. Specifically in the Philippines on the island of Palawan in Port Ba...

Worker bees on the developed flowers of a plant called globe thistles

1 Aug 2023 1 minute read 0 comments marianomariano68

Robotnice pszczół na rozwiniętych kwiatach rośliny o nazwie Przegorzan pospolity A few weeks ago I wrote an article about a plant called Globe thistles. The plant was in the early stages of flowering at the time, and there weren't many insects on...

Adult common moorhen, or swamp chicken on the catwalk.

31 Jul 2023 1 minute read 1 comment marianomariano68

Although the water chanterelle's living environment is primarily water, or it, like most birds from the railroad family, go ashore and pick some grass, or possibly dandelion leaves. Choć środowisko życia kurki wodnej to przede wszystkim woda, lub o...

Big things in a small space - my balcony garden this year

30 Jul 2023 1 minute read 3 comments marianomariano68

Jak co roku na moim niewielkim balkonie dużo się dzieje, przynajmniej dla mnie. Miejsce to jest czymś w rodzaju szkółki ogrodniczej, bo tak naprawdę testuję tam różne odmiany głównie warzyw, ale również owoców. Sprawdzam jak rośliny odbierają poszcz...

Exotic and toxic plants in my neighborhood - Trumpet vine

28 Jul 2023 2 minute read 3 comments marianomariano68

Egzotyczne i toksyczne rośliny w mojej okolicy - Milin amerykański Walking around my favorite pond, I noticed a plant that blooms very effectively. This takes place around mid-July. Spacerując wokół mojego ulubionego stawu, zauważyłem roślinę, k...

Most of the birds left the bench, the faithful sparrow remained

27 Jul 2023 1 minute read 2 comments marianomariano68

Większość ptaków opuściła ławkę, pozostał wierny wróbel This is what happens when summer comes and there is plenty of food in the area, maybe even excess. Insects, seeds and fruits are plentiful. Then the birds feel safe, and because they are not se...

Common coot on a Saturday walk on a special, probably favorite diet

20 Jul 2023 2 minute read 0 comments marianomariano68

Łyska na sobotnim spacerze na specjalnej chyba ulubionej diecie This bird appeared in my posts in early spring, when it showed its young chicks and the whole family moved the nearby pond. Today again about this beautiful bird, i.e. coot, but in comp...

Invasive and very impatient plant in European forests - Small balsam, or small-flowered touch-me-not

16 Jul 2023 2 minute read 0 comments marianomariano68

Inwazyjna i bardzo niecierpliwa roślina w europejskich lasach - Niecierpek drobnokwiatowy This small plant that is considered a weed, but is not, was brought to Europe from Central and Southeast Asia. Ta niewielka roślina uchodząca za chwast, a tak...