Nature, animals, plants, mushrooms

Nature, animals, plants, mushrooms

everything about what lives on Earth

Mushrooms in the lens, not only in the kitchen

7 Dec 2022 1 minute read 0 comments marianomariano68

Today it will be a little different about mushrooms, not about their culinary or health properties, but about their undoubted charm and sometimes even grace. Dzisiaj będzie trochę inaczej o grzybach, nie o och właściwościach kulinarnych czy zdrowotn...

Fascinating shapes of mushrooms - autumn arboreal mushrooms

30 Nov 2022 1 minute read 1 comment marianomariano68

Walking through the forest, which has already taken on dull gray colors and the trees are devoid of leaves, it is easy to spot various types of arboreal mushrooms. I have this fungus quite close to home, so I decided to observe it more closely, its g...

"When in Rome, do as the Romans do" - Carrion crow

22 Nov 2022 2 minute read 0 comments marianomariano68

For starters, a saying that is probably known in most countries, which works in many situations of our lives, even on HIVE Na początek znane chyba w większości krajów powiedzenie, które sprawdza w wielu sytuacjach naszego życia, nawet na HIVE "Whe...

Brown roll-rim, Common roll-rim, the controversial mushroom eaten for generations

21 Nov 2022 2 minute read 0 comments marianomariano68

Brown roll-rim - my grandparents and parents ate it and lived a long time. I, too, am still in good health Krowiak podwinięty - jedli go moi dziadkowie, rodzice i długo żyli. Ja również i na razie również funkcjonuje w zdrowiu This common mushroo...

Mica cap, conditionally edible mushroom

20 Nov 2022 1 minute read 2 comments marianomariano68

While walking in the woods, we often come across clumps of mushrooms that seem inedible. In the case of a Mica cap, the situation is a bit different. It is an edible mushroom, but only in the early stages of development. Spacerując po lesie często...

Bay bolete - large, healthy and record-breaking

14 Nov 2022 3 minute read 0 comments marianomariano68

Looking at the places where the bolete mushroom sometimes grows, one might wonder if it is not an arboreal fungus. This is because I often find them to a tree growing out of a trunk or even from the tree itself. Patrząc na miejsca w jakich czasami...

Even an experienced mushroom picker may have doubts - Freckled dapperling

7 Nov 2022 1 minute read 0 comments marianomariano68

At first glance, most mushroom pickers would say that it is parasol mushroom, only still young, undeveloped. And it actually looks almost identical with a slight difference. Na pierwszy rzut oka, większość grzybiarzy powiedziałaby że to czubajka ka...

Winter is approaching, time for Christmas tree hangers - fly agaric - legal drugs

16 Oct 2022 2 minute read 0 comments marianomariano68

Surely many reading at least the title of this post will be intrigued by the fact, what is it all about? Na pewno wielu czytających przynajmniej tytuł tego wpisu zaintryguje fakt, o co w tym wszystkim chodzi? The answer is simple, but maybe not o...

A successful trip to the forests in the Kraków-Częstochowa Jura. Lots of mushrooms and a new friend :) - My Actifit Report Card: October 6 2022

7 Oct 2022 1 minute read 2 comments marianomariano68

For those who are interested, there are great bicycle routes and hiking trails. I have walked all of them many times, but I come back every year. Dla zainteresowanych, są tutaj świetne trasy rowerowe i piesze szlaki. Wszystkie obszedłem już wielok...

Red card for previous days - we say STOP in autumn! - But today it was finally possible to walk normally - My Actifit Report Card: October 4 2022

5 Oct 2022 1 minute read 1 comment marianomariano68

I hope that this influx of cold air from the north of the continent has ended and that, as forecasted by weather forecasters, there will be at least a temporary warming. This is a photo at the exit from the underpass - the tree has changed its colo...