
87 Articles 0 Followers

Songs I Love: You're A Witch - Harley Poe

3 Apr 2021 1 minute read 0 comments The Sad King Billy

Punk lovers tune in. Hailing from Indiana, Harley Poe has been described as "horror folk" and its truly the most apt description there is of their style; with many of their songs revolving around the macabre and the uncomfortably grimy aspects of exi...

Music Compilation #42 - More Solo guitar playing with audio looping by Sean Angus Watson

22 Jan 2021 1 minute read 14 comments stevea68

Here's quite a talented guitar player and he's perfecting the art of solo guitar playing using a loop pedal to lay down various accompanying tracks. I've got a few video links of his playing but he has some albums compiled together as well.  Even tho...

Music Compilation #36 - Marc Pattison

10 Jan 2021 1 minute read 0 comments stevea68

I discovered Marc Pattison a long time ago and though he's got great music, it doesn't seem he really took off in the industry but maybe I can help get him exposure.  A lot of it is heavy rock with an electric guitar and awesome beats that beg to get...

Angel la Niña de la Flores (Hana no Ko Run Run) - Animé

7 Oct 2020 1 minute read 0 comments Juan Molina

  Angel la Niña de la Flores (Hana no Ko Run Run - Original Japanese Name) It was one of the most famous animated series of the 1980s. Created by Shiro Jumbo and produced by Toei Animation, it was originally televised in Japan for the first time o...

MUSIC FOR STEEM WEEK #6 - My Top 5 #songreview - Epilogue Video

26 Jul 2020 1 minute read 0 comments Juan Molina

In the spirit of Music for Steem and giving continuity to the initiatives that his tireless team brings to us, I want to participate in one of the most recent proposals, such as #SONGREVIEWS. Every day, new songs are published for the contest #...

MUSIC FOR STEEM WEEK #6 - Un par de Palabras (Hombres G - Cover)

18 Jul 2020 1 minute read 2 comments Juan Molina

Nací en los setentas. Cuando fui adolescente disfruté de los grandes exitos de la banda española "Hombres G".Siempre interpretaba sus canciones con la guitarra y las cantaba junto a mis amigos. I was born in the seventies. When I was a teenager...

Great cheap guitars for beginners

9 May 2020 2 minute read 6 comments nanoflowerdemon

You might've seen an ad on Youtube where some guy goes "Do you ever wonder why so many people say they want to learn to play guitar but never actually learn to play?". Well, I don't know my dude but sometimes people just can't afford to buy expensive...

"Fast Car" by Tracy Chapman in different genres

14 Apr 2020 1 minute read 2 comments nanoflowerdemon

"Fast Car" was one of the first songs I ever learned on guitar. Since then I've played it so many times. My former guitar teacher was really fond of my rendition. It really is a beautiful song and there have been many cover and remixes over the years...

Quarantine: Day Whatever

26 Mar 2020 1 minute read 3 comments uthus2000

    Tuesday Gammy told me that Fender guitar had a 3-month free trial of their instructional website (for the first 100k people to join). Free? Sounds good to me. I grabbed my flat top and sat down to register. We've got the quarantine going on here...

20 Years of Ugochill Music Part 5 (Solitude)

28 Feb 2020 2 minute read 0 comments ugochill

Continuing from 20 Years of Ugochill Music Part 4 (Alen Sveto & Trinity Roy - In my life)   Strange days to be busy writing this blog and preparing new releases, thinking about the past, present, future...But it makes me only more determent to see it...