MUSIC FOR STEEM WEEK #6 - Un par de Palabras (Hombres G - Cover)

Nací en los setentas. Cuando fui adolescente disfruté de los grandes exitos de la banda española "Hombres G".
Siempre interpretaba sus canciones con la guitarra y las cantaba junto a mis amigos.

I was born in the seventies. When I was a teenager I enjoyed the great successes of the Spanish band "Hombres G". He always played his songs on the guitar and sang them with my friends.

En esta oportunidad quiero compartir con ustedes, estos intentos de grabar la canción "Un par de Palabras", original de la banda española "Hombres G".

In this opportunity I want to share with you, these attempts to record the song "Un par de Palabras", original by the Spanish Band "Hombres G".

Mi Video


Original Artist:






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Juan Molina
Juan Molina

I'm passionate about everything related to Crypto and Blockchain

My Music: Originals and Covers
My Music: Originals and Covers

I am an amateur musician. I like to create audiovisual productions of my Original songs. I also do covers. In My Musical Styles, Caribbean sounds, Ska, Reggae, Son predominate. But I also enjoy rock.

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