"Fast Car" by Tracy Chapman in different genres

By nanoflowerdemon | The Nanocave | 14 Apr 2020

"Fast Car" was one of the first songs I ever learned on guitar. Since then I've played it so many times. My former guitar teacher was really fond of my rendition. It really is a beautiful song and there have been many cover and remixes over the years. The most recent one I've come across is by Jonas Blue featuring Dakota. Accompanied by a genuinely beautiful music video. Though I didn't really like the ending. They resorted to a classic happy ending which doesn't really fit the song considering the story doesn't really have a happy ending but still retains that little bit of hope in it's tone which is one of the things that make the song so great.

Anyways, after years of playing the song the same old way, I decided to try something different and play the main riff in a bunch of different genres to see how it works out. Enjoy!

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