MUSIC FOR STEEM WEEK #6 - My Top 5 #songreview - Epilogue Video


In the spirit of Music for Steem and giving continuity to the initiatives that his tireless team brings to us, I want to participate in one of the most recent proposals, such as #SONGREVIEWS.

Every day, new songs are published for the contest #MusicForSteem! We like you to write comments on each artist their songs + to make a post with all your comments and reviews about the artists. + your TOP 5!

The talent and creativity of the participants gave me great satisfaction, the interpretive quality, and a variety of musical genres awarded this Musicians Party.

For my participation, I decided to create a Epilogue Video with the performances of the artists I chose for my TOP 5, as well as the comments I left in their publications, giving them my support and expressing my satisfaction with such excellent entries.







@rypo01@dali13, and @elisonr13









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Epilogue Video  

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With this video, I wanted to pay a humble tribute to all the Musicians who participated this week.
I couldn't include them all, but I can assure you that all the entries were great.

Track List - Time Line:


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Please, see this post at my Steemit's blog:







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Juan Molina
Juan Molina

I'm passionate about everything related to Crypto and Blockchain

My Music: Originals and Covers
My Music: Originals and Covers

I am an amateur musician. I like to create audiovisual productions of my Original songs. I also do covers. In My Musical Styles, Caribbean sounds, Ska, Reggae, Son predominate. But I also enjoy rock.

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