Angel la Niña de la Flores (Hana no Ko Run Run) - Animé

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Angel la Niña de la Flores (Hana no Ko Run Run - Original Japanese Name)

It was one of the most famous animated series of the 1980s.

Created by Shiro Jumbo and produced by Toei Animation, it was originally televised in Japan for the first time on February 9, 1979, featuring all 50 episodes.

The chapters of the series tell the story of a girl descended from the fairies (the spirits of flowers), whose mission is to find the flower of the seven colors together with Rope and Katty, the talking dog and cat, who told her this mission. Its main characters are: Angel, Rope, Katty, Malina, Boris and Celli.


For the production of the musical theme directed to Latin America, the famous Chilean singer-songwriter Juan Guillermo Aguirre Mandiola, artistically known as Capitán Memo, was selected.
This is the topic that I selected to participate.

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Juan Molina
Juan Molina

I'm passionate about everything related to Crypto and Blockchain

My Music: Originals and Covers
My Music: Originals and Covers

I am an amateur musician. I like to create audiovisual productions of my Original songs. I also do covers. In My Musical Styles, Caribbean sounds, Ska, Reggae, Son predominate. But I also enjoy rock.

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