#ELI5AMPL Contest Winners Announced - $1,260 in AMPL Rewarded!

By igort | Publish0x Tutorials | 28 Jan 2021

I know. It took us just over two weeks to wrap up this contest. But the results are here... and the wait was worth it, as...

We've increased the initially planned prize pool from $1,000 to $1,260 in AMPL!



Thank you all for participating - there were over 70 posts submitted into the contest - and congratulations to the winners! Without any further preamble, here are the winners:


1st Place: 5 Best Posts - $80 in AMPL Reward Each!



2nd Place: 5 Awesome Posts - $60 in AMPL Each!



3rd Place: 5 Great Posts - $50 in AMPL Each!



25 Posts That Won $10 in AMPL Each in Rewards (Including 5 Lucky Winners)!


These 25 posts that we've decided to give $10 each in rewards include: original and unique posts that we believe deserve a reward, posts that were written with lots of effort put into them, posts that are good but do not offer simple explanations, and 5 lucky winners!


Winners of the Twitter Part of the Contest: 12x $5 in AMPL Rewards Each!

We've decided to add two extra rewards as a thank you for spreading the word about the contest on Twitter!

As usual, I've contacted Twitter users whose accounts on Publish0x I cannot find, by sending them a DM on Twitter. The rewards will be added to their accounts within a day from the moment that they get back to me.



How Are the Winners Paid?



Rewards have already been given out to all of the authors! You can click on each individual winners post and see that we've added a corresponding amount of AMPL to the posts (on top of the rewards that these posts have earned from tipping), which can be withdrawn from Publish0x on Monday!

As usual, I've contacted Twitter users whose accounts on Publish0x I cannot find, by sending them a DM on Twitter. The rewards will be added to their accounts within a day from the moment that they get back to me.


The price of AMPL at the time of adding rewards is exactly $1.01!



Again, THANK YOU all who took part in this event, and congratulations to all of the winners!


See you soon, as the next contest is just a day away. ;)



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igort Official Team Member

Publish0x COO. Interested in Cryptos and Blockchain, Travel, Basketball and Hiking.

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Send a $0.01 microtip in crypto to the author, and earn yourself as you read!

20% to author / 80% to me.
We pay the tips from our rewards pool.