Creative Writing

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24 Nov 2021 1 minute read 0 comments emily2u

I can smell trouble,It’s thick in the air.In town is a rumble,To step out, I don’t dare. Been going on for a week,Luckless ones are killed.Some were injured, now weak,The river is blood-filled. Something fanned the spark,Became an uncontrollable fire...

How Hope can(not) set the Nigerian youth FREE

24 Nov 2021 2 minute read 3 comments Scopeman

“Cultural legacies are powerful forces. They have deep roots and long lives. They persist generation after generation, virtually intact, even as the economic and social and demographic conditions that spawned them have vanished, and they play such an...

Fear Stalks at Midnight (Part 2: Tetanus Lies in Wait)

24 Nov 2021 3 minute read 0 comments Great White Snark

This post is a continuation from Part 1. If you haven't read that first, please do so, before coming back. (I have updated that writing to provide a link to this one.) A large shadow flits across the window, like a hand that fails to grasp the thin...

Live to the Fullest

23 Nov 2021 1 minute read 0 comments emily2u

It's time to listen to your heartTo do what you have wanted,All this while but haven'tBefore it's too late for anything.Don't delay any longerAs you need to live for yourself,And not for others who wantYou do to stuff that you dislike.No point wastin...

It's a Succulent Affair

23 Nov 2021 1 minute read 7 comments Scopeman

With me and succulents it was not love at first sight. I could not tell you what it was about them, but I never quite fancied them. This is me who as a child had dozens of plants, including a few succulents, in my little nursery at the back of our fa...


22 Nov 2021 1 minute read 0 comments emily2u

Once in a while, remove the badKeep the good and nurture themThere really is no need to be sadClear my throat, spit out like phlegm.Never let my emotions swayAnyway, on the wall is the writing,The rotten needs to be thrown awayTo make space for good...

In Search of A Type of Treasure, & Feeling Heroic in The New Wild World

22 Nov 2021 2 minute read 6 comments Melina Mehr

We are going through these strange days and I may revisit these times someday in my memories and imagine that it was all like a long nightmare. A fact that can also be difficult to forget. A few days ago, my sister informed me that she was running...

Fear Stalks at Midnight: A Correction and Expansion (Part 1)

21 Nov 2021 3 minute read 0 comments Great White Snark

I originally wrote the below story as a creative/descriptive writing assignment when I was in high school. (I did not get a good mark for it, since it was too short and lost impact towards the end.) Now, many years and much improved writing later, I...


20 Nov 2021 1 minute read 0 comments emily2u

Air pollution you’re a contributor,With incessant smoking.You’re not a first offender,But do so as it’s to your liking. Stop the foul smell,Right this very minute.Made the world a living hell ---Yes, you’ve done it! Think you look cool,With a stick b...

Where Do I Start

19 Nov 2021 1 minute read 0 comments emily2u

Losing my sense of timeAs the day rolls around,One blends into anotherWithout a break found.Tired, fatigued, exhaustedBurning both ways this candle,Where do I even startWhen there's much to handle?I can't help yawningAs I stretch my back,Rub my eyes...