An Old Castle, Neglected Remnant of The Past in North Iran

By Melina Mehr | My cycling experiences | 24 Apr 2022

An Old Castle, Neglected Remnant of The Past in North Iran

Salsal Castle in Lisar is one of our most common cycling destinations of ours, which is a tourist attraction and is about 40 km far away. The allure of the trip is mostly because of the gorgeous surrounding landscape as you climb up the castle. Also, the easy road and short distance have made cycling on this route very convenient and popular among guys.

An Old Castle, Neglected Remnant of The Past in North Iran

Salsal Castle

Salsal Castle (also known as Qaleh Bin) is one of the historical castles in northern Iran (Gilan province; Lisar city) with a history of about a thousand years.

The height of this castle is 100 meters above sea level and according to the locals, a person named Salsal, who was once the ruler of this region built it.

An Old Castle, Neglected Remnant of The Past in North Iran

This castle has a nice outlook and which is mostly due to the surrounding plains, especially the rice fields and the distant view of the beach. And because of its military architecture, it once had many tourist attractions.

An Old Castle, Neglected Remnant of The Past in North Iran

The castle is built on a rock in the dimensions of 40 by 50 square meters and has two internal and external parts.

An Old Castle, Neglected Remnant of The Past in North Iran

The outer part of the castle is a relatively large area that used river stones to build it, the inner part includes the castle citadel, the residence of the ruler of the time, water storage, guard post, toilets, water supply network, and its main gate.

An Old Castle, Neglected Remnant of The Past in North Iran

 Unfortunately, due to the robbery, parts of its outer and inner walls were destroyed, but other parts are relatively safe and you can still recognize each area’s functionality.

An Old Castle, Neglected Remnant of The Past in North Iran

Salsal Castle has a very pleasant climate due to its special geographical conditions and proximity to the Caspian Sea, and many springs and rivers flow around it.

An Old Castle, Neglected Remnant of The Past in North Iran

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Melina Mehr
Melina Mehr

I'm a freelance writer, passionate about, music, books and nature.

My cycling experiences
My cycling experiences

When I go riding on my bike, the world around me becomes exciting and so elegant all at once, so despite the shortcomings, disasters and horrors… I embrace it. I know it is not just me having these feelings, but I’m definitely another nature lover looking for unanswered questions in an extraordinary manner as well. I cherish the pictures caught by my camera and the ones remained forever in my essence.

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