#DEXTokenDeFined Writing Contest and Twitter Giveaway Winners Announced: $530 in $ETH Given Out!

By igort | Publish0x Contests | 24 Oct 2020

Another good contest is finished here on Publish0x, and it's time to announce the winners.

Thank you to all who have participated by submitting a post - there were well over 50 entries! And thank you to those who have spread the word about the contest on Twitter, on other social media channels, and via word of mouth.

Congratulations to the winners!


The initial rewards pool of $350 in ETH was increased to $530 in ETH!


  • Initially, the plan was to give $320 in ETH to 10 authors who wrote the best posts, plus two authors who got lucky. As promised, since there were over 50 entries into the contest, the rewards for authors were bumped from $300 to $480 worth of ETH. We've rewarded not 12, but 23 authors this time!
  • $50 in ETH was given out to participants of the Twitter giveaway. Twitter rewards were also bumped, from initially announced $30 in ETH, to $50 in ETH. The rewards were distributed to 10 users, instead of 6 we've originally planned to reward.
  • At the time of writing, 1 ETH is worth $418.6, according to CoinGecko.


How Will the Winners be Paid?

The rewards have already been added to user accounts and their posts. There was a lot of you who got a reward this time. If there were any mistakes, please let me know either via igor @ publish0x.com or in Publish0x Telegram Group.


These are the Winners of the DEXTokenDeFined Writing Contest.

dextokendefined winners


We've initially planned to reward a total of 12 authors - 10 winners and two authors whose posts did not make it among the best, but just got lucky! The prize pool for authors was planned to be $300 in ETH - but, we've bumped this significantly. We're rewarding 23 authors with $480 in ETH!


The $480 in ETH rewards to writing contest winners were distributed as follows:

  • Lucky Winners: We've rewarded three instead of two authors with $10 in ETH, to thank them for their participation in the contest! The authors who qualified for this reward were the ones that won no other award ($30 in ETH total).
  • 5th Place: We have 10 authors who have won the 5th place award, and are walking away with $10 in ETH each ($100 in ETH total).
  • 4th Place: 5 authors are tied for the 4th place and have won $20 in ETH each for the posts that they've submitted ($100 in ETH total).
  • 3rd Place: 4 authors are tied for the 3rd place, and have won $30 in ETH each for their submissions into the contest ($120 in ETH total).
  • 2nd Place: One author was really good, and stood above most. He's won $50 in ETH.
  • 1st Place: We have one winner who has submitted the best post, and has won $80 in ETH.


3 Authors Who Have Won the 'Random' Award and Earned $10 in ETH Each!




These 10 Authors are Tied for the 5th Place and Have Won $10 in ETH Each!



These 5 Authors are Tied for the 4th Place and Have Won $20 in ETH Each!



These 4 Authors are Tied for the 3rd Place and Have Won $30 in ETH Each!


2nd Placed Post ($50 in ETH Reward): DEXToken protocol explained to primary school children By SirGerardThe1st


This is an interesting and well written post, that has done a good job of explaining the DEXToken Protocol. It has deservedly won second place. Thank you SirGerardThe1st for participating in this contest and congratulations!


1st Place ($80 in ETH Reward): The Bull case for the DEXToken Protocol ($DEXG) By KaptnDOGE


KaptnDOGE has written a superb, and super detailed post. He deserves the top spot without a doubt! Congratulations Kaptn, and thank you for participating in this contest!



Twitter Giveaway Winners - 10x $5 in ETH Each - Total $50 in ETH Rewards.




As usual, I've contacted Twitter users whose accounts on Publish0x I cannot find, by sending them a DM on Twitter. The post will be updated once the usernames on Publish0x are confirmed, and rewards are added to the winners respective accounts on Publish0x.


Thank you all for participating, and congratulations to all of the winners!


Until the next contest...



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igort Official Team Member

Publish0x COO. Interested in Cryptos and Blockchain, Travel, Basketball and Hiking.

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Send a $0.01 microtip in crypto to the author, and earn yourself as you read!

20% to author / 80% to me.
We pay the tips from our rewards pool.