Splinterlands | Defender Of Truth Challenge

By costanza | costanza | 7 Feb 2021

A solid Epic card is being highlighted this week in the Share Your Battle Challenge This is the Defender Of Truth!




The Defender of Truth is one of the cards that I didn't have for the longest time and often have faced in the past having no real answer to in specific situations where it is really strong. Since it's an epic card and I need it at a higher level (Level 4), it can get relatively expensive to buy unless you find a good deal on the market. It is one of those cards that I did eventually buy late last year actually getting an Alpha Edition card which was cheaper. It turned out to be my 5th most played card last season (See Report) with a 86.67% win rate!

One of the things I love about Splinterlands is that you can buy a card that will be useful in the game knowing you are likely going to be able to sell it with a profit at a later date if you are able to buy at the right discount price. I paid 7.45$ for my Alpha Level 4 Defender Of Truth which by now I should easily be able to get 12$+ for.

My main concern with these older cards is that the devs have all the power to devalue them along with enough incentives to do so since they are better off when new players buy packs with new cards instead of old cards from other players.




The rules in this match were Stampede and Ranged Monsters being able to attack from the first position. This rarely makes for an opponent to play a lot of Magic monsters so the +2 Armor ability from the Defender Of Truth really comes in handy especially combined with a double repair from the Armorsmith which I put in the last position to take sneak damage and the Lone Boatman. The Sacred Unicorn with Trample ability made good use of the game rules and was quite hard to kill because of the armor which regenerates along with getting self-healed and tank-healed by the Tortisian Chief. With Close Range and a high mana battle, the Cornealus was a good option as 2nd card.



I have been enjoying the game more lately as an actual game and this game was a good example as it allowed for quite some creativity making a really competitive deck based on the rules absolutely crushing the opponent.

Full Battle Replay

Previous Weekly Challenges
Splinterlands | Dragon Summoner
Splinterlands | Exploding Dwarf
Splinterlands | Sea monster
Splinterlands | Mitica Headhunter
Splinterlands | Death elemental
Splinterlands | Feral Spirit
Splinterlands | Mantoid
Splinterlands | Naga Brute
Splinterlands | Flamesmith
Splinterlands | Sabre Shark
Splinterlands | Earth Elemental
Splinterlands | Screaming Banshee
Splinterlands | Silvershield Sheriff
Splinterlands | Rusty Android

All Splinterlands players are free to join this Weekly Challenge (regardless of your rank) and will get rewarded by the team with Upvotes on Hive. If you haven't tried out the game yet, this is a great opportunity as it allows you to earn back the 10$ Price of the Summoner's Spellbook you need to get your Hive Private Keys after creating an account, share in the game rewards, get Daily Quests, join tournaments, Earn DEC for each Ranked Win,... 



I continue to play the game and offer a win-win sign-up deal in 2021 for everyone that starts out with the game using my Referral Link. I updated what I'm offering recently see Full Sign-Up Deal and I will keep this in place normally during the entire year.

To see what can be expected in terms of earnings from the Splinterlands game, check my detailed monthly earnings reports...



I also made a complete guide on how to go about things as a new player to have the best chance to reach these kinds of monthly earnings from the game in 2021. See How To Earn 100$+ Monthly (Complete Guide)

To understand what the game is about and how it can be played check the video below!

Important: Treat games in the first place as games and not as investment opportunities, Splinterlands allows you to earn some money and get good returns but you are much better off flipping burgers in Mcdonalds when looking at the money earned for the time invested.

Hive: https://hive.blog/@costanza
Publish0x: https://publish0x.com/costanza
Twitter: https://twitter.com/costanzabets

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