
Ahem | Tipping Twitch Streamers

By Bayarizard | Ahem | 18 Aug 2020

*AHEEAM*  There are sign up bonus to go with all these monthly tips, yes; but for those who want context for the "Perpetual Giveaway", and what BAT are: click here  :)

If you dont care, saw your name somewhere on my homage lists and just want to know how to get your money NOW: click here

Perpetual Giveaway

My homage to streamers actually started on Twitter:

Twitter was the first platform I tried to use to help others succeed in their goals; thanks to P0x, Brave & Crypto in general ... now I can do this financially with the hopes that these +USD$0.40 monthly tips grow into massive means of sustainable income with BAT's market valuation appreciating; my opinion on how much it might be worth someday: linked here.

Rather than beat around the bush, I'll list off some of the Streamers I've started to support [as of August 2020]:



  • I like to "lurk" on certain streams & not announce myself, especially for broha over here when he's streaming Counter Strike; we've only played League of Legends together, but he's got a better Instagram than me (click here to check him out)

Korra or Sisigshawty




  • - From his calm accent to the content as a Investor and Gamer, makes me realize my two passions could fit in one stream & I could succeed.

Piano Dragon


  • - Last but not least -- besides Rocketbeans, Shurjoka and other Streamers I'll mention in another article later on -- I've kept up with my German the most from tuning into Anissa's streams.

YouTube & Twitter peoples are NEXT *insert maniacal evil cackle here*.

Today though, I want to focus on those I typically watch exclusively on Twitch. I personally hope to join in and start streaming sometime soon, but on Theta TV instead (review on Theta linked here). The Content Creators above were chosen first from a list of people who have both influenced me positively, but have a tendency to focus on bringing out the good in others -- this ... is what I'm supporting ... this is the essence of Altruistic Egoism. While many or maaybe all streamers noted above may not claim tips until a year later or never at all: they'll still have a stream of BAT coming in even after missing out :)

PSA for those who already know about Theta TV but haven't signed up yet: One of the prerequisites to get paid to stream day one -- regular viewers dont have to do this to join in the money earning fun -- is currently to have a +100 followers and views on Twitch ...

... So that means I'll have to ask mah peeps above how to Twitch either way.

Summary: It pays to help others create a better future -- especially if you're helping others (or me) create that future. I personally will start with homaging those who have influenced me, then take care of my followers ... because they have and continue to take care of me :D

How can YOU get tipped by me monthly too?

Be the first comment on Publish0x, follow me on Twitter and/or Instagram, because every single like and sub changes MY life AND those around you, and I'll keep posting articles like these to prove that (and maybe then, someday YOU will be listed here too); those that are the most supportive & inspirational: I'll always try to toss the most attention their way I can :)

Proof in the Pudding

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A Crypto Activist StakeHodler trying to stabilize and grow the digital asset space one post and investment at a time. Instagram, Twitter & Pinterest: @Bayarizard


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