You were tipped BAT, now what?
I made this step-by-step article more for those who don't care about BAT or Crypto in general, and want to just withdraw asap; for others, here's context. the catch is the downloading the Brave Browser ... it's free and you already have money waiting, but yeah, it's a hassle. Once it's all set up, my monthly tip won't be so annoying ;)
Step 1.
After downloading the Browser, click on the red Basic Attention Token triangle logo located in the top right hand corner of your screen
Step 2.
Uphold used to have high transfer limits and fees ... thank your lucky stars 600BAT no longer is required for everything
Step 3.
Once you log into which ever account that was tipped, whether YouTube, Twitch, Twitter, etc: You'll see something like this
All Done!
Your Rewards page will look like this from now on when you log in, and you can see incoming and outgoing BAT, as well as adjusting settings
Rewards for watching Ads
Brave Browser users have the chance to skip of course, but the option to earn BAT from watching Advertisements stacks pretty fast, and with the TAP gift cards & Uphold Inc Partnerships ⁴... the sky is the limit on what to spend your BAT on. Technically the shores of Africa are the limit, but I digress :D
Earn Interest
Sites like Crypto.com give interest on deposits over time. You can also collateralize your BAT for loans, but I'll leave the in depth explaining to Brennan and his comprehensive tutorial ³
Hopefully BAT provides some sort of value to you other than a quick buck; it isn't a stock, no matter how high the market value rockets; but it IS a medium of exchange, and a value appreciating token of MY appreciation for your attention.
If I was the one who tipped you, and it led you here, then it's likely that this is my way of literally giving attention -- something neither good nor bad, but can be used however you like -- to use for yourself or help me perpetuate Altruistic Egoism.