These are the Winners of the #SwitchToBrave #Publish0x Writing Contest!

By ITofPub0x | Publish0x Contests | 26 Aug 2019

Our second writing contest is over and it's time to announce the winners!

You guys have written 40 great articles. I don't want to use a worn out phrase, but it was genuinely a challenge to pick the best articles. You can find all of the #SwitchToBrave articles here.



If you haven't yet, get the Brave Browser here and avoid all the clutter and ads that you'd see on other browsers.


As you know, the rewards for this contest are in $BAT - a total prize pool of $200 worth of BAT that is. $100 in BAT is reserved for the first placed article, $60 for the second placed article, and $40 for the third placed article. But, we've also added 5x $10 BAT rewards, as well as 2x $5 in BAT rewards, as the articles were just that good!

This makes the total prize pool for the contest $260 in BAT!

Here are the winners:


Two Articles that won $5 in BAT Each.


These two articles are good, but either haven't fully followed the rules of the writing contest, or just fell short of winning a bigger reward. They are:


Five Articles that Won $10 in BAT Each.


The articles that won $10 in BAT each were are close to winning one of the first three spots, and they are worth checking out!


3rd Placed Article and the Winner of $40 in BAT.


The third placed article is an interesting article that showed the Brave vs Chrome battle showed in an entertaining way with uniquely made graphics. Check it out. :)

It's Safer To Switch To Brave: An Infographic Story in 1 Minute 26 Secs by Yaki Moto


2nd Placed Article and the Winner of $60 in BAT.


We liked this article as it's an in-depth one, showing the authors personal experience while switching from Chrome to Brave. Obviously a lot of effort has been put into creating this piece!

My Journey with Brave after a month of using (detailed report) by qsyal


The Winner of the #SwitchToBrave Writing Contest and the $100 worth of BAT is...


We like this article for being clean, detailed, well reasoned, straight to the point, with excellent references to Google's scandals. Check it out:

10 Reasons to #SwitchToBrave by Cryptolohy


Congratulations to all the winners, and a huge thank you to all of you who've decided to participate!


How Are the Winners Paid?

I have already distributed the rewards by adding them to the articles that won BAT in the #SwitchToBrave contest. You can verify that by clicking on individual articles and noticing how much funds they have made.

These funds can be withdraw from Publish0x as one normally would, by requesting a withdrawal. We pay out on Mondays. This is our base payout wallet, so you can see all weekly payouts, or rather transactions we send originating from here:


For future reference, at the time of writing, the price of BAT is around 1 $BAT for $0.191 USD, according to CoinGecko. Meaning, $100 is now roughly worth 521 BAT, $60 is wroth a bit over 313 BAT, $40 is about 208 BAT, $10 is ~52 BAT, and $5 equals some 26 BAT.

You can see the live price below:



If you don't have it yet, get Brave Browser from here.


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