Chromium Forks Battle: BRAVE Browser VS Google CHROME. I #SWITCHTOBRAVE

By BtcSapiens | btcsapiens | 23 Aug 2019

Behind a browser there are many interacting web technologies that we do not know as users, and what seems apparently the same is not really. In today's article I will talk about my personal experience using two Chromium Forks, Google Chrome and Brave Browser .


Chromium is an open source browser created by Google Devs, imagine two cars with the same engine, do you think both cars are the same? Maybe yes, maybe not... we will now see what are main differences. We will analize some interface differences, web adaptability and friendliness with the crypto environment.

Before moving forward, here is my little tribute to the creator of the first web browser 20 years ago, surely many of you know him. We love you TimBL!


In my country (Spain) we often use the saying "hecha la ley, hecha la trampa", similar to "for every law there is a loophole", when someone uses their power to break or change the rules in favor of their own interests.


This phrase, applied to the world of Internet comes as a ring to the finger of one of the technology giants, Google, who wants to maintain his privileged position using suspicious techniques to prioritize their own products to the detriment of all others. Perhaps that reason is enough to stop using it, although throughout the article you will discover that there is more than one reason to switch to Brave.

¿Who is Brendan Eich?


Brendan Eich is the creator of Brave Browser, he created JavavaScript (programming language) and co-founded Mozilla Corporation. Brendan really doesn´t like Google's policies, especially in terms of user privacy invasion, taking advantage of all some Chromium feautres but, of course without collecting data or redirecting to Google, a lightweight private browser customizable by users.

With a successful career and all the accumulated experience, he definitely wants the lion to remain the king of the jungle, and step by step he is getting it, and after Brave has gone through several stages, it seems he continues to take the right path.


I have been using Google Chrome for a long time, with a pretty positive rating on most features, but Brave Browser certainly has surpassed all my expectations and has improved Chrome.

Reward to creators

A few months ago I wrote a post where I showed how to donate BAT tokens using BraveBrowser. In my case I donated some BAT to, in this link you can see this full article. On the other hand if you need to know how to be a verified creator of Brave this other article where I also tell you about my personal experience, maybe it can help you.


Brave's reward system works as a decentralized platform where users can directly reward advertisers, without the need for Brave to intervene in the transaction. Currently to receive rewards (BAT tokens) you have to request to be a verified creator of Brave, anyone who has a website or a YouTube channel can do so.

Many people think that the fact of blocking ads is negative, because when advertising is not shown, authors would no longer receive income for them, although this completely new Brave system makes it clear that you can navigate without ads and that creators can monetize their content .
In coingecko you can see the live price of BAT (

Where can I buy and sell BAT?


Markets where you can buy and sell BAT are Binance, Bitrex, Poloniex, Coinbase, Bitso,, Coinfield, Dex-Trade, HitBtc, UpBit, Bitrue, Huobi, Exrates, Sistemkoin, Catex, Bkex, ZB, KT, Ethfinex, HPX, CHAOEX, CoinEx, Omgfin, BitAsset, Ovex, WhiteBit, CODEX, Atomars, LATOKEN, CoinBene, BITKER, Bione, BTCEXA, CoinEX, P2PB2B, BWcom, CREX24, etc...

Search suggestions

Brave, in addition to basing search suggestions on your browsing history and open tabs that you have open in your browser, also offers suggestions from the main Alexa sites. On the other hand, Google always positions its own advertisers as first suggestions, although it´s not funny, it is also no secret that Google’s first place is reserved for the highest bidder.


There are many search engines that you can choose in both browsers, but we will focus exclusively on two of them, Google and DuckDuckGo.

Google search engine, which collects all the data of its users, and on the other hand DuckDuckGo, just the opposite, a search engine that does not collect your data and that you can integrate both in any Chromium browser. At first glance it seems obvious that Brave users prefer DuckDuckGo, although for now it is still a small project.


On Brave Browser you have a multitude of options to choose from, although the search engine I recommend DuckDuckGo, since it does not share information with third parties and does not track your searches, which will more effectively safeguard your anonymity.


Eli Pariser is a well-known Internet activist who first introduced the term "Bubble Filter" to expose how harmful a search engine can be that collects user information in terms of freedom and censorship, since finally the user only sees segregated information, excluding everything that user does not want to read according to what the search engine has collected.


Visually they are two very similar browsers, here you can see an example of seen from an my android smartphone, as you can see, in Chrome it shows an ad and Brave not show this ad. 


To see how brave shields are working, simply access any web page and click on lion's face (brave logo). In the upper right, a small menu will be displayed where you can see all the ads that are blocked just at that precise moment.

When you open Brave Browser, depending browser version you will see a new blank tab or a page with your stats, at the top you can see the browser bar, Google comes standard but you can change it at any time. It also indicates the loading time of each page in the navigation bar.


At the bottom of the search bar you can add several options, such as bookmarks, although it does not appear as standard. In the upper right, just below the image of the lion, three horizontal bars appear, if you click here a menu with many options will be displayed. In the "Bravery" section you can allow to select which advertising you want to be displayed in the browser, you can allow the ads of a website, none or all to appear.


In "preferences" section you can change homepage of your Brave browser, you also have the option to define the search engine, the design and behavior of the tabs (you can organize the tabs by blocks, with the number of tabs you want ), change the color or change immediately to a new tab every time you create one.

At the top you can see the browser bar, Google comes standard but you can change it at any time. It also indicates the loading time of each page in the navigation bar.


At the bottom of the search bar you can add several options, such as bookmarks, although it does not appear as standard.
In the upper right, just below the image of the lion, three horizontal bars appear, if you click here a menu with many options will be displayed. In the "Bravery" section you can allow to select which advertising you want to be displayed in the browser, you can allow the ads of a website, none or all to appear.

Privacy and Security


Perhaps it is the main problem of all, or at least one of the aspects that can generate greater vulnerabilities. Security and privacy are related intrinsectly, since if you browse anonymously the "bad guys" will have less options to collect your data.

Within this topic I would like to talk about extensions, a relatively new world that has completely changed the way we use web browsers. They are very useful but with improper use of them you can remain unprotected. Brave shields allow you to accelerate speed of web pages and improve the user experience, obtain information from the website where we are browsing.

Enabling Brave shields you will have total control over advertisements and cookies, block unnecessary scripts and use your fingerprint as a browser access key. Brave has also included enabling you to activate a navigation mode where you will first access HTTPS web pages, thus avoiding possible fraud in some malicious sites. 


With Brave you can access the Chrome Store and download most of them, which allows you to customize your browser more, if you move in the crypto ecosystem it´s great to know you will have access to MetaMask and other known extensions.

Natural thing in a privacy and security environment is not to perform any linking between browsers, although if you want, you can synchronize your browsing data from other browsers in Brave, you can activate the "Brave Sync" box from the browser menu. Among the Brave Sync options you can import your bookmarks from Microsoft Edge, Internet Explorer, Brave (old), Chrome or even from an HTML file of your bookmarks.


Reddit: The number of Reddit users is higher in the Chrome community, there are more than 55k members in r / chrome and almost 10k in r / brave_browser


Twitter: The same thing happens in Reddit, the Chrome browser has more than 58k followers and Brave Browser a little more than 5k, with this data we can verify that the Reddit community in Brave is larger than on Twitter.


GitHub: Chrome also has more followers and more developers working on the project, but Brave has more repositories with just three developers enrolled in GitHub.




Both browsers have interesting extensions for crypto ecosystem. Google Chrome does not have novelties about cryptos and Brave incorporate regarding cryptocurrencies, as we said before, Brave incorporates a decentralized donation platform that allows rewarding content creators instantly by simply clicking.

What about Youtube?

Using Brave Browser is a great advantage, both for users and for creators, below you can see all the ads that were blocked by Brave shields after watching some videos on YouTube.


Brave Browser shields also allow you to block YouTube ads. If you are tired of having to see all the ads, they simply dissapear! you can watch your videos and listen to your favorite songs on YouTube.


As a summary I can say that Brave Browser is better Chromium improved, on the one hand Google Chrome will do everything possible to continuously redirect you to Google products, and on the contrary Brave offers you a privacy environment where each person chooses the degree of anonymity that prefer. Some content creators are concerned with ad blockers, since much of their monetization comes from  ads networks who pay small amounts of money based on the visits received, but .... wouldn't it be better your own fans pay you directly without anoying ads?


Hey snake, in the jungle lion´s reigns


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