Alright, I thought I knew it all....if it came to Free NFTs and making money.....and I was wrong (again).
I just found another nice little trick that can save you Time & Money!
Creating an NFT Bundle
So if you have multiple NFTs e.g. from a pack, you can list them one after another...paying RAM for listing each and every one of them....
Or you can create a Bundle!
Select more:
Select Create a Bundle:
Cards already listed will have a green outside.
Cards not listed will have no outside color.
And cards that are part of the pack will show orange.
Once you selected the first card and started creating a bundle you just have to scroll down to find all cards from the series and just click on them to add them to the bundle. Once added the outside will turn orange. You can choose to add all or just a couple to the bundle.
Selecting the top dropdown will show you how many cards you are holding for each series, this way you know which you can bundle.
The Benefit of The Bundle
So what are the benefits of a bundle:
1. Saving Time: If holding many similar or the same NFTs selling might take ages, but a bundle is sold in one go.
This will save you a lot of time and make it easy to create a competing offer to sell those cards that did not sell for weeks.
2. Saving Money: For every NFT you list you are paying RAM. If you list 6 cards from one series you are paying about 1 WAX in RAM to list these. But if you bundle them you only pay RAM for one listing instead of six. That means you will have to buy less RAM from the WAX you made from selling Free NFTs. Even though you can get that RAM back by selling the RAM you do not use, this is much better.
Prior to listing a 10 NFT bundle
After listing a 10 NFT bundle
Spend: 912 Bytes of RAM on listing 10 NFTs
As per my previous article on the Mystery of RAM
Listing one Freebie costs between 400 - 800 Bytes.
Listing 10 should cost 4000 minimal, not the 912 Bytes I just paid.
3. Saving Money: If you have many NFTs from the same series you paid for claiming those...not much but about 120 Bytes of RAM. If you never sell them, you never get back the money you invested to claim that. This goes back to my other article that you have to list your NFT for at least 0.06 WAX to stay in profit.
But if you can not get them sold for that price it´s better to get something instead of nothing and that is where a bundle allows you to at least get back some of the Bytes of RAM you invested, allowing you to mitigate the losses. Again this is beneficial if you have many single NFTs that do not get sold separately.
Unbundling is done the same as you cancel a normal listing and if you buy a bundle there is no need to unpack.
I hope this article has made your life in WAX world a bit easier. If so please gently click that like button and may you have a lovely rest of your day.
Previous NFT Related Articles:
- A Noob Guide on how to start a FREE NFT collection & Other useful free NFT Info
- Can I make Money collecting Free NFTs? (+ answers to some other questions I received)
- I can´t get FREE NFTs anymore as WAX is Stuck in "Loading Transaction" Limbo
- How to turn the WAX made from selling your FREE NFTs into $$Dollars$$
- Update on the best places to catch Free NFTs & Some more Free NFT problems solved
- FREE NFT Update Part 2 - How to get back that money you paid for RAM & CPU?
- FREE NFT RAM Mystery solved - This is how much RAM you pay for grabbing a FREE NFT?