Excelencia's "TheExperimentsSeries" part two

By excelencia | excelencia | 30 Mar 2022

Preliminary notice:       

Read the first article in this series to know why I use hashtag rtitbot ( #rtitbot) in each tweet.          

Wednesday, march 30 2022 :

Start point of this article:


After reading this article, I decided as an experiment to tweet it several times with each time another quote heading and see how each quote possibly has maded a difference in the number of impressions and engagements on twitter ,or not.

The first quote I put above the tweeted article  was:

“I think using #Publish0x as a diary made me more receptive to shedding off my inertia and trying out new things.”


I pinned this quoted article at 8:30 UTC

The second quote I put above the same tweeted article was:

"Why don’t I treat it(#PublishOx) as a #diary and pen down all the #adventures I embark on for all #posterity?"


This quoted tweeted article I tweeted at 8:46 UTC

Let's see if there will be a great difference in received impressions and engagements between a pinned and a not pinned same article.

Let's see if the difference is due to a different quote above the same article.

I now plan to reopen my twitter later in the day, to write down  the results here in this second article from TheExperimentsSeries.

When I tweeted the article at 8:30 UTC , this article  was already tipped for an amount of 0.49$.

SeeYouAllReaders and TwitterFollowers in a few hours from now...

Update, like promised in the morning:

Welcome back readers and followers, new readers and new followers , spread the message:

It's still wednesday, march 30 , the hour is 19:13 UTC.

See the number of views and the earning and likes for this article now at 19:17 in PublishOx:


Some nine hours ago, the second experiment in TheExperimentsSeries started with putting a quoted tweet with this article as my pinned tweet.

See the number of Impressions and Engagements , Detail expands and Profile visits it received meanwhile since this morning:


Around fifteen minutes later I tweeted this article this morning , and you can compare now the number of Impressions, Engagements , Detail expands and Profile visits it received since this morning with the same numbers from my pinned tweeting of this same article:


I also tweeted this article this morning with the heading above the article writing:"

"SeeYall later in the day! #Cheers #rtitbot"

See the numbers for this tweeted same article:


Meet me again in the future with another experiment to come in this Series.

Wishing everyone a nice evening or continuing of your day!


Meanwhile wishing You all a blessed wednesday!


Wednesday photo created by azerbaijan_stockers - www.freepik.com

Update friday, may 27 2022: 

See all the experiments in TheExperimentsSeries:

TheExperimentsSeries-part 5/2 
TheExperimentsSeries-part 5/1 
TheExperimentsSeries-part 4
TheExperimentsSeries-part 3 
TheExperimentsSeries-part 2 
TheExperimentsSeries-part 1





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I am a person interested in a lot of things all at once: cryptokosmos, affiliation, web building, privacy, blogging...


Exploring the crypto-kosmos. http://excelencia.wikidot.com/crypto-kosmos

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