Search: TheExperimentsSeries

TheExperimentsSeries: part 6/2

29 May 2022 1 minute read 0 comments excelencia

See TheExperimentsSeries: part 6/1 for the upset of this experiment, and below are the results after waiting some 36 hours after tweeting these tweets, one without a quote above the tweeted article and one with a quote above the same tweeted article....

TheExperimentsSeries: part 6/1

27 May 2022 1 minute read 2 comments excelencia

This will be another experiment in two parts, in which a usual tweeted PublishOx article from TheDailyStatsSeries  will be compared with the same article  with an added quote above the tweeted article. The comparison will be about the eventual differ...

TheExperimentsSeries: part 5: 2/2

28 Apr 2022 1 minute read 6 comments excelencia

Yesterday, wednesday, april 27 2022 Excelencia started an experiment to compare the tweet activity (Impressions, Engagements, Data Expands, Retweets, Likes, Link clicks) of a PublishOx article tweeted as a whole and comparing it with the same article...

TheExperimentsSeries: part 5: 1/2

27 Apr 2022 3 minute read 0 comments excelencia

Start of this experiment was Excelencia's wish for a time already to do an experiment comparing tweeting a PublishOx article compared with making a treat using the same article divided yet as a thread and then compare the stats(Impressions, Engagemen...

TheExperimentsSeries: part 4

8 Apr 2022 6 minute read 0 comments excelencia

Welcome new and existing readers, new and existing followers here and or in twitter! Hope your friday has started in a great way!                     TheExperimentsSeries: part 2, started with an experiment, where Excelencia tweeted the same PublishO...

Excelencia's "TheExperimentsSeries": part 3

5 Apr 2022 2 minute read 0 comments excelencia

Sheduling part of your tweets also to be tweeted in your twitter timeline later in the day or even in future days can be a great way to expand your exposure. But it is also a way to find out at which part of your day you are reaching the most people...

Excelencia's "TheExperimentsSeries" part two

30 Mar 2022 1 minute read 4 comments excelencia

Preliminary notice:        Read the first article in this series to know why I use hashtag rtitbot ( #rtitbot) in each tweet.           Wednesday, march 30 2022 : Start point of this article:

Excelencia's "TheExperimentsSeries" part one: Happy Tuesday GIF

1 Feb 2022 1 minute read 0 comments excelencia

Startpoint of this entry:                    Todays opening tweet @xcelencia1                                                   For me , getting 52 impressions in a 2 hours lap is a remarkable result! Of course the use of #rtitbot is helping a lot t...