Let's look at BTC /USD 1 hour chart
As you see from the chart if we can trade over ascending line I will be very bullish and lots of sell orders coming in and weakness are showing itself. Support stays at $6500. Lots of sell orders at $6750 $7000 and a hard time stay above the line.
In order to stay over ascending line we have to stay $6500 over and if we go down $6500 then it can go down to $6400 levels and stays sideways for a while but overall weakness in BTC and watch out support levels.
My other predictions
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BITCOIN (BTC) My short term prediction UPDATE 4/05/2020
By skyislimit | CryptoCoin Predictions Series Short Term | 5 Apr 2020
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Dentist since 1985, Oracle Developer DBA since 1998 and trader 2000 and up today. I try to give my best future price predictions on certain coins and I do trade same way.
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