Welcome back again , I would like to thanks to all my followers and any person read my articles. I do not like typing to long and repeating same things and i prefer just come to the points.
Lets look at the king of the coins of BITCOIN ( BTC )
First Daily chart
Resistance stays at $6800 but many days try to go up and stay up failed and same time volume is going down .Sign of WEAKNESS .
$6400 level sellers up and volume up but can not break $6800 again and start going down .At the moment $6000 level looks like a support but weakness continuous down and it may go down to $5600 to $5700 level and it will give us better buying chances in for a while . I would stick to my money and wait further weakness .
Now weekly
As you see it is same as daily and weak and it be be weaker until at least $5700 level . Hold and wait.
Hope you enjoy it
My other predictions
Short term my BITCOIN ( BTC ) Predictions
By skyislimit | CryptoCoin Predictions Series Short Term | 29 Mar 2020
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Dentist since 1985, Oracle Developer DBA since 1998 and trader 2000 and up today. I try to give my best future price predictions on certain coins and I do trade same way.
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