Short term my BASIC ATTENTION TOKEN (BAT ) Predictions

Hello everybody  and welcome to my  blogs again and this is the second one in the series , I will go to direct to point about coins and tokens and let you know what I am thinking about them in the short term future and prices.

BAT Daily

This is the daily chart of BAT/USD  and as you see from it last 4 -5 days BAT try to stay over $0.14  but always failing and resistance looks like stuck at $ 0.16 and long time it can not go over it . Volume is going down last 4 days and sideways movement is keeping on  and it shows definitively weakness in future as long as it can not go over $0.16  and it would like it will take some time  to go over . 

Now look at weekly chart 

BAT Weekly

As you see on weekly chart volume is going up but still hard times ahead on $0.14 level and sideways look like happen in here between
$014 - $0.16  levels . 

My final thoughts i would wait and see if break happens on $0.16 and volumes up few days otherwise I would sit tight and wait more buying chances  as it goes now and might happen soon

I am done on this at the moment and waiting 

Hope you enjoy it


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Dentist since 1985, Oracle Developer DBA since 1998 and trader 2000 and up today. I try to give my best future price predictions on certain coins and I do trade same way.

CryptoCoin Predictions Series short term ( BAT )
CryptoCoin Predictions Series short term ( BAT )

CryptoCoin Predictions Series short term ( BAT ) This article is the second one of the serious ,it will give you my ideas about certain coins and my trading strategy about the future I just want you know that i am not a financial adviser and any information i give in here is my personnel opinion . If you follow me regularly i will post updates and future predictions about coins i hold and trade . My price predictions are short and not detail ( since i do not to bore anybody with long readings )

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