bitcoin whales

8 Articles 0 Followers

Bitcoin Whales Keep Buying the Dip in a Panicky Market

20 May 2022 2 minute read 1 comment Mike Ermolaev

The price of Bitcoin fell below the psychological threshold of $30K, scaring investors. It was preceded by the loss of the dollar peg by UST's stablecoin and the Luna crash.    In this context, more predictions are being made about Bitcoin's demise a...

March 9th: iouCOMBO, Chiliz reaches $1B, and more Noncense

9 Mar 2021 1 minute read 0 comments Dahveed

Ready for your daily dose of Noncense - crypto news with a punchline?After Atari partnered with Decentraland to launch an Atari Casino in that virtual world, Decentraland’s MANA token’s price is hitting an all-time high. Perfect timing for it to fall...

Fourth richest wallet just moved nearly $1 billion worth in Bitcoin.

5 Nov 2020 1 minute read 0 comments alberdioni8406

The fourth largest Bitcoin wallet address moved out nearly $1B worth in Bitcoin, the address precisely transferred 69,369 Bitcoins to a new address in a movement that wasn't registered since 2015 accordingly to BitInfocharts. The 69,369 Bitcoins wort...

ETH price "controlled" by maximalist whales?

10 Aug 2020 1 minute read 0 comments Average Jo

Theory/steps: 1. BTC whales gather BTC via mining 2. Whales purchase gigantic bags of ETH with BTC 3. Whales then sell said bag of ETH for USDT, pushing ETH price "back where it belongs" 4. Whales then use USDT to buy BTC and push the price up (whi...

No More Free Willy - Why We Should Stop Applauding Corporate Killer "Whale" Adaption of Bitcoin

17 Apr 2020 8 minute read 2 comments mekhiMKL

There is a tendency within cryptocurrency spaces to applaud any and all signs of corporate adaptation of bitcoin. Unfortunately our community has begun to mistakenly conflate such adaptation with an indication of future growth.  You'd think we would...

Is the Plus Token whale playing whack a mole with the Bitcoin price?

11 Apr 2020 2 minute read 0 comments Dave Sawyer

We love you cryptopunks! The US Feds denied a Bitcoin ETF again recently, basically stating that the Bitcoin market is too vulnerable to market manipulations.  ( but a bitcoin ETF did start in Canada this week, hello USA!?!) What does that mean reall...

Listen To the Songs of the Whales... Crypto Whales, That Is

5 Feb 2020 1 minute read 0 comments BitcoinGordon

February 4, 2020 Over the past few weeks, Bitcoin has climbed steadily (with a few trips along the way) from $6800 to $9500, and it is doing it's best to hold above $9000 through and through. As a professional Day Trader, I watch Bitcoin around the c...

Bitcoin Whales: What, Who, and How They Impact the Market?

10 Jan 2020 2 minute read 9 comments

The cryptocurrency world is replete with many unique terms, which sound very interesting and describe the phenomenon related to digital coins in a simple manner. Take, for instance, the term Bitcoin whale, which is used to represent an individual or...