
Lake Tahoe To Make Waves With First Flying Electric Ferry In US

By Keith Thuerk | SCIFI Future | 1 Dec 2024

Lake Tahoe To Make Waves With First Flying Electric Ferry In US


A few short weeks ago I published a blog on Candela Electric Ferries were purchased by Saudi Arabia for their Neom project. First mover advantage in the USA goes to... Lake Tahoe. They are making waves by signing with Candela for Ferry services across Lake Tahoe.


Who is putting this new Ferry offering together?

Candela is working with local operator FlyTahoe


What is the timeline for the new ferry?

Projections have the hydrofoil ferry is expected to begin operations in late 2025 or the first half of 2026.


How many Ferry will be running?

Plans are calling for only 1 Ferry initially. Each ride will hold about 30 people across the lake per trip, and is wheelchair accessible, with storage for snowboards, bikes and Skis.


How long will the ferry ride take?

The Candela P-12 ferry will make the north-south trip across the lake in just 30 minutes, saving passengers a drive around the lake that typically takes about three hours.


Think of the time and fuel savings vs driving around the lake!

30-min vs three hour drive.  Wondering what the ROI is for the $50 cost of 30-min ride vs driving three hours.


Will electric shuttle ships accept Crypto payments?

I was not able to find anything leading me to think they have thought through accepting Crypto. However, there is still time for them to lay the groundwork for such forward thinking and roll that payment option out at the same time or a phase approach which include Crypto payments.


Need to get up to snuff quickly on eVTOL / Air Taxi's? Here are my older posts:



Seems cool and all, but I have a phobia about riding on a Ferry and its overloaded and it sinks. Hard pass!

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Keith Thuerk
Keith Thuerk

Currently learning about Crypto & DeFi to combat the Inflationary Tidal wave coming our way!

SCIFI Future
SCIFI Future

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