By Wolf2015 | My Crypto Info | 13 May 2021

Before I begin this article, it would help if you had read the expanding your thinking, and Earning Crypto and Understanding Third Party risks to fully understand a little further


Have you ever truly wanted to secure your own personal wealth? Do you know precious metals are actually a great storage of your wealth? There are places such as Noble Gold that would help you roll over a 401K, but you can actually mine cryptocurrency to do the same thing.Here is an option that most people take for granite. Take a miner, maybe a script miner, mine Gold coin, or any other coin on anything. Let this add up for three months. This will allow you a good amount to start your investment.


Remember, cryptocurrency is more than just currency, it is whatever the user wants to do with it. This is programmable money, and can be put where you want it. In this way, cryptocurrency can be used to produce a storage of wealth with Gold or silver. As you can see this becomes a true and decentralized way to have a storage of wealth in a time of crisis.


If you have been paying attention to the inflation that is happening, especially with fuel and food, you would know that you need to start taking the necessary precautions in order to protect you and your loved ones.


Think about this for one minute. If the fuel prices rise more, then the transportation of food to stores will cost more. When that happens, you will be paying a higher price for things you already purchase.


The time to think is now. Use this knowledge and prepare to store wealth in ways you have full control of. It is far better to be prepared for a disaster that may or may not come. It is also Foolish to be unprepared for that same disaster because if you do not take self responsibility, it may come back to haunt you in the end.

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Author, Veteran, Journalist, Investigator, Patriot. Determined to staying Curious as My teacher, who passed, always told me to do. Believe no one, Listen to everyone, but only trust what you yourself can verify with your own research. Never believe anyone

My Crypto Info
My Crypto Info

Education of cryptocurrency from a person who actually lives off of mining and how to understand the many ways you can earn. Must research all for yourself, because results can vary depending on your miner and internet connection

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