My Crypto Info
My Crypto Info

My Crypto Info

Education of cryptocurrency from a person who actually lives off of mining and how to understand the many ways you can earn. Must research all for yourself, because results can vary depending on your miner and internet connection


8 Dec 2023 1 minute read 1 comment Wolf2015

In what is right on schedule the Bankers led by JP Morgan Chase call for the Ban of Bitcoin and alternative currencies. This is really ironic since you consider that the Bankers including JP Morgan Chase was in business with a known sexual predator J...

Bitcoin & Cryptocurrency Strengthens Humanity

7 Dec 2023 1 minute read 0 comments Wolf2015

Before I can state the obvious, let us just look at failing companies including Disney that is embracing a small minority mental illness standpoint. Companies that have alienated the very core values of the majority are embracing this woke activists...

Looking Back in order to go Forward.

5 Dec 2023 1 minute read 4 comments Wolf2015

First of all I just want to say thank you to everyone that tips and hopefully gets something out of my articles. Every thing I write about I actually have to investigate and be sure that some of the things I write about actually pay out. Usually the...


13 Nov 2023 1 minute read 0 comments Wolf2015

What many do not seem to understand is the term being your own bank. So many people think you must sell your Bitcoin for the fake fiat. This Is false. All you need is your phone. No more cards, no more banks, you are the bank.   Let us look at one of...

Mining BITCOIN in the SUN

9 Nov 2023 1 minute read 1 comment Wolf2015

Do you remember the Atari 2600? If not you are missing out. The people, like myself, that do remember that system remember using their imagination to become emersed in the game.   Bitcoin should be no different. Forget the money part, just focus as i...

Mobile Decentralized Exchanging

6 Nov 2023 1 minute read 0 comments Wolf2015

In a world where the cabal is loosing, and they are desperately attempting to steal your money, would you not think it would be smarter to use your personalized exchange? Every time you use an exchange that is centralized, it is a third party exchang...

Time to Learn to truly Protect your wealth with Due Diligence.

21 Sep 2023 1 minute read 1 comment Wolf2015

In order to understand the importance of mining and self responsibility, we have but another lesson for you. The fact of Cryptocurrency being secure is an understatement. The only way criminals can even have access to your funds is if you give it to...


19 Aug 2023 1 minute read 0 comments Wolf2015

Miners are the backbone of Bitcoin and cryptocurrency, so it is really important that you do not accidentally donate your hard efforts back into the mining pools. Even though when mining on other pools, when you are mining on a P2P mining pool it is...

Why Do they call it a Mining Farm?

9 Aug 2023 1 minute read 0 comments Wolf2015

    What you really should be asking is why you have not paid attention? Did we not say that Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies were not the gamer currency? If you think about it, a farmer has many crops. In a plot the farmer may have one row of cor...

Knowing the Difference between a Cryptocurrency and a Crypto Token.

27 Jul 2023 1 minute read 0 comments Wolf2015

Can you dertimine the difference between a Token and a cryptocurrency? Do you know a Cryptocurrency is either mined or staked? Do you know DASH is a cryptocurrency and not a token? Cryptocurrencies.     Cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Litecoin, Da...