Crypto Portfolio Experiment - Update #20

By lezanch | Lezanch | 15 Feb 2024

Good morning to all

Here is a new update of the crypto experiment made with virtual money, which started on 9 October 2023, considering we're now close to the 4th mount of this experiment and also in a good crypto period.
Let's catch up on some previous updates first.

Crypto Portfolio Experiment

Crypto Portfolio Experiment - Update #10

Crypto Portfolio Experiment - Update #11

Crypto Portfolio Experiment - Update #12

Crypto Portfolio Experiment - Update #13

Crypto Portfolio Experiment - Update #14

Crypto Portfolio Experiment - Update #15

Crypto Portfolio Experiment - Update #16

Crypto Portfolio Experiment - Update #17

Crypto Portfolio Experiment - Update #18

Crypto Portfolio Experiment - Update #19

To date the situation is definitely positive, but the behavior of the two portfolios is not equal, in that one is performing much better than the other.

Update #21

Let's see in detail:
Portfolio 1: The cryptos I have chosen from CoinMarketCap's top 15 are performing very well, surpassing the previous ATH of January 2, 2024 (+81.64%), bringing them to a solid and undiscounted countervalue of 183.82 Euros at the time I am writing to you (+83.82%). It dominates, first and foremost, Solana, but Cardano, Polkadot, and Bitcoin are also having their say. Very bad XRP.
Portfolio 2: Compared to January's relative ATH, this portfolio is performing less than Portfolio 1, a difference of about 20 percent. It stands, at the time of this writing, at 162.81 euros (+62.81%), but I recall that in January it was at 184.31 euros, a not insignificant loss.
Altogether the two portfolios have a countervalue of 346.62 Euro, against the initial investment of 200, for a growth of about 73.3% on average.

What to expect now? I expect portfolio 2 to be "trailed" by portfolio 1, bringing itself to a percentage growth similar to that of the top cryptos.
Thank you for your attention


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Hello Publish0x.. I'm Lezanch (real name Leonardo), 41 years old guy from Italy. Since 10 years old I loved computers, my first one was a personal IBM PS/2 with 20 Mb (yes, 20 Megabytes) of hard disk... Now I spend almost of my working time in front of pc monitors.. so sometimes I loves to read some good and interesting news/post.. now it is also my turn. :-)

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