Crypto Portfolio Experiment - Update #13 + 25%

By lezanch | Lezanch | 7 Nov 2023

Good morning to all
here is a new update on the status of the crypto experiment started almost a month ago (Oct. 9) with a total virtual investment of 200.00 Euro.

First of all, take a look on previous updates:

Crypto Portfolio Experiment

Crypto Portfolio Experiment - Update #1

Crypto Portfolio Experiment - Update #2

Crypto Portfolio Experiment - Update #3

Crypto Portfolio Experiment - Update #4

Crypto Portfolio Experiment - Update #5

Crypto Portfolio Experiment - Update #6

Crypto Portfolio Experiment - Update #7

Crypto Portfolio Experiment - Update #8

Crypto Portfolio Experiment - Update #9

Crypto Portfolio Experiment - Update #10

Crypto Portfolio Experiment - Update #11

Crypto Portfolio Experiment - Update #12

In today's update, the overall growth trend of both portfolios continues, which have, by now, a similar overall value, both reaching 25 percent growth.

Update #13

Portfolio 1: CMC's top cryptos show growth of 25.28%, driven again by Solana (although slightly underwhelming this week compared to last week) and a nice recovery of XRP and ADA, both above 30%.

Portfolio 2: This wallet also shows a decent growth (as well as a recovery of the gap it had in the past few days with Portfolio 1), moving up to +24.79%. In this wallet a little bit all cryptos are performing well, although GALA stands out among all of them.

What can I say ... one month after its inception, this virtual money experiment marks a pleasant and robust +25%, a consequence of this mini bull run that began in the third decade of October. We must hope that it continues and does not stop this bullish trend in order to be able to understand if we are moving into a structured growth similar to that of a few years ago or if it is just a first, weak, attempt at growth which will then be followed by contraction before the new, explosive, bull run

Thank you all for your attention

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Hello Publish0x.. I'm Lezanch (real name Leonardo), 41 years old guy from Italy. Since 10 years old I loved computers, my first one was a personal IBM PS/2 with 20 Mb (yes, 20 Megabytes) of hard disk... Now I spend almost of my working time in front of pc monitors.. so sometimes I loves to read some good and interesting news/post.. now it is also my turn. :-)

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