Hello everyone.
today I propose a new update of my crypto experiment made (and now I can also say unfortunately) with virtual money. I recommend you to catch up with the first article, for those who see these updates for the first time, to understand the philosophy behind this experiment.
First of all, take a look on previous updates (the first one and some of latest. The others you can find in my page):
Crypto Portfolio Experiment - Update #10
Crypto Portfolio Experiment - Update #11
Crypto Portfolio Experiment - Update #12
Crypto Portfolio Experiment - Update #13
Crypto Portfolio Experiment - Update #14
Crypto Portgolio Experiment - Update #15
We are now on the 16th update, almost 2 months after the start of the experiment, and I can say that we have reached the "all time high" of portfolios.
As you can see, for the first time Portfolio 2 outperforms, albeit slightly, Portfolio 1. Let's take a closer look at the specifics:
Portfolio 1: As always it is driving the great growth of this Solana wallet, increasingly the fundamental performance currency. On its own, its current countervalue has almost tripled.
Very well a bit all the other coins included here, with a negative note from DAI (my error of inclusion at the beginning of the expetition) and another underwhelming performance from BNB.
Overall, the counter value of this Portfolio is 140.52 Euros (+40.52%).
Portfolio 2: I anticipate earlier, this is the first time that the counter value of this wallet exceeds that of Portfolio 1. Very good somewhat all the cryptos in it, where GALA and IOTA stand out.
The countervalue is 146.47 euros (+46.47 percent).
Overall the growth of both portfolios stands at +86.99 Euro (+43.5%), not bad in a period of about 55 days.
For the coming weeks I expect (and hope) that this bullish trend will continue. I will keep you updated.
Thank you for your attention