To the Moon??? Crypto Portfolio Experiment - Update #14

By lezanch | Lezanch | 13 Nov 2023

Good morning to all
here is a new update on the status of the crypto experiment started almost a month ago (Oct. 9) with a total virtual investment of 200.00 Euro.

First of all, take a look on previous updates:

Crypto Portfolio Experiment

Crypto Portfolio Experiment - Update #1

Crypto Portfolio Experiment - Update #2

Crypto Portfolio Experiment - Update #3

Crypto Portfolio Experiment - Update #4

Crypto Portfolio Experiment - Update #5

Crypto Portfolio Experiment - Update #6

Crypto Portfolio Experiment - Update #7

Crypto Portfolio Experiment - Update #8

Crypto Portfolio Experiment - Update #9

Crypto Portfolio Experiment - Update #10

Crypto Portfolio Experiment - Update #11

Crypto Portfolio Experiment - Update #12

Crypto Portfolio Experiment - Update #13

things are looking particularly good today, after a sizzling weekend with some coins booming upward (in fact, there were some pleasant upward surprises during last week as well).


Let's look at our two portfolios.
Portfolio 1: CMC's top 15 crypto portfolio does not disappoint, with an increasingly staggering SOL, which touches, in just over a month, +149.8%...a growth that was really unexpected for me (and I think for others) but is holding steady over time. Also in this portfolio we see an upswing in DOT, which is growing by about 40 percent.
Overall, this portfolio scores +36.73% since the start date.
Portfolio 2: This wallet is also not disappointing, although it is slightly below, in terms of percentage growth, compared to Portfolio 1.. it grows, in fact, by 32.21%, with a pronounced presence of GALA and ICP. I would have expected a bit more, comparing it to Portfolio 1, but still it does not disappoint.
Overall, the initial investment of 200.00 virtual Euros is now worth 268.95 Euros, a solid +34.68% in just over a month since its creation.
Have we touched the high? maybe not, at least I hope so, but now is not the time to think negative, but to keep thinking big inside this new (hopefully continuous and lasting) bull run.

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Hello Publish0x.. I'm Lezanch (real name Leonardo), 41 years old guy from Italy. Since 10 years old I loved computers, my first one was a personal IBM PS/2 with 20 Mb (yes, 20 Megabytes) of hard disk... Now I spend almost of my working time in front of pc monitors.. so sometimes I loves to read some good and interesting news/post.. now it is also my turn. :-)

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